Tag: music
Join us to celebrate St Andrew’s Day in music and song at the University of Edinburgh’s annual concert. This event is hosted by Celtic and Scottish Studies and the School of Scottish Studies Archives. St Andrew’s Day Concert Saturday 30th November 2024 1.30-2.45pm (Doors Open 1.10 pm) Playfair Library, The University of Edinburgh, Old College, […]
A brief account of the evening in the ‘Project Room’ of 50 George Square, 26/03/24, which featured a live music premiere, ‘The Ardoch Suite’, plus a talk from the renowned campaigner on land related matters, Andy Wightman, drawing upon his acclaimed book, The Poor Had No Lawyers (2010), in front of a capacity audience. […]
I warmly invite you to attend St Cecilia’s Hall on Friday 6th October where I’ll present my latest collection music titled, ‘One Great Circle’, created in my current role, Traditional Artist in Residence for LLC, University of Edinburgh. Joining me to perform are the fantastically talented duo of Chris Stout (fiddle) and Catriona McKay (harp). […]
Image: Joy Dunlop Cuirm Shònraichte Deireadh Dheuchainnean le Joy Dunlop This will be a stimulating bi-lingual event, full of lively discussion, song and music with special guest and well-known Gaelic singer, presenter and animateur, Joy Dunlop. There will also be musical contributions from Edinburgh University students, including Mòd Gold Medalist, Màiri Callan. Three members of […]
COTHROMACHD AGUS BUNTANAS: AM BEATHA CRUTHACHAIL SÒNRAICHTE AIG LUCHD-CIÙIL TRAIDISEANTA BALANCE AND BELONGING: THE UNIQUE CREATIVE LIFE OF TRADITIONAL MUSICIANS Sunday, May 7, 2023, 2:00 PM Traverse Theatre, 10 Cambridge Street Edinburgh, Scotland, EH1 2ED Event page: https://edinburghtradfest.com/schedule/2023/1/20/rebellious-truth-23-mischa-macpherson Register here (free event): https://www.traverse.co.uk/whats-on/event/edinburgh-tradfest-rebellious-truth-mischa-macpherson-spring-23 This event will be hosted by Dr Lori Watson, Lecturer in […]
Multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer Mike Vass joins us as School of Scottish Studies Traditional Artist in Residence 2019-2022. Mike will be exploring the archives and creating new work, facilitating collaborative projects with students across the university and supporting Celtic & Scottish Studies with our live events and the new MSc Traditional Arts Performance. Mike has […]
By Sophie Hutton, MSc by Research Scottish Ethnology A strong legacy As a School of Scottish Studies graduate and a current MScR in Scottish Ethnology student, I was first introduced to the legacy of Hamish Henderson in 2015 and quickly came to regard him as a multi-faceted individual – a folklorist, songwriter, lecturer and fieldworker. […]
Celtic & Scottish Studies celebrates World Play A Strathspey Day – 15th May A few strathspeys (rhythmic Scottish tunes and songs) from our Scottish Ethnology team. https://youtu.be/uiThEhDgUek In the film Dr Lori Watson, Lecturer in Scottish Ethnology, sings the first verse of ‘Song of the Gillie More’ by Hamish Henderson set to traditional strathspey ‘Whistle […]