World Play A Strathspey Day!

Celtic & Scottish Studies celebrates World Play A Strathspey Day – 15th May
A few strathspeys (rhythmic Scottish tunes and songs) from our Scottish Ethnology team.
In the film
Dr Lori Watson, Lecturer in Scottish Ethnology, sings the first verse of ‘Song of the Gillie More’ by Hamish Henderson set to traditional strathspey ‘Whistle Ower the Lave O’t’. Professor Gary West, Chair in Scottish Ethnology, plays ‘Devil in the Kitchen’ by William Ross, on Scottish small pipes. School of Scottish Studies Artist in Residence, Mike Vass plays ‘Cawdor Fair’ on fiddle. Dr Will Lamb, Senior Lecturer in Scottish Ethnology, sings ‘Fhuair sinn mì’ (a Scottish Gaelic port-a-beul). And Dr Lori Watson (again!) plays ‘The Shepherd’s Crook’ on fiddle to finish.