Tag: gaelic
A brief account of the evening in the ‘Project Room’ of 50 George Square, 26/03/24, which featured a live music premiere, ‘The Ardoch Suite’, plus a talk from the renowned campaigner on land related matters, Andy Wightman, drawing upon his acclaimed book, The Poor Had No Lawyers (2010), in front of a capacity audience. […]
The next Gaelic Writer in Residence Event will be in The Scottish Poetry Library at 7pm on Thursday 23 February as part of World Gaelic Week. Fresh voices, Robbie MacLeòid and Rona Dhòmhnallach will read their stimulating poetry and discuss their creative journeys to this point, hosted by Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir. Rona, originally from […]
A Celebration of Scotland’s Music and Song Traditions Join us in celebrating St Andrew’s Day in music and song at the University of Edinburgh’s annual concert. Date and time Wed, 30 November 2022, 19:30 – 21:30 GMT (Doors open at 19:15) Location St Cecilia’s Hall Niddry Street Cowgate Edinburgh EH1 1NQ Key Information All are […]
BUTH-OBRACH sgrìobhadh le Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir. A Gaelic Writing worksop in collaboration with Comunn Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann. Chan eil e gu diofar a bheil no nach eil sibh ri sgrìobhadh sa Ghàidhlig mu thràth, is cinnteach gun ionnsaich sibh rudeigin ùr bhon ùghdar Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir! Ni sinn eacarsaich sgrìobhaidh no […]
Halò, tha sibh gu math? ‘S mise Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir is tha mi uabhasach toilichte gur mi a’ chiad Sgrìobhaiche Gàidhlig air Mhuinntearas aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann. Tha mi an dèidh bhith a’ sgrìobhadh bàrdachd is ficsean fad còrr is 25 bliadhna is ag innse sgeulachdan à beul-aithris son greis nas fhaide. Seo fios […]
Lecturer in Celtic and 2011 PhD alumnus, Dr Kate Mathis is a scholar of Celtic & Gaelic. Kate explores medieval literatures of Ireland, Wales, and Gaelic Scotland, mainly women’s poetry, elegy, and medieval characters that are reimagined during the twentieth century Celtic Revival. I write about sad women who lived a long time ago, and […]
By Sarah Scott, MSc by Research Celtic Studies Gàidhlig Chaidh ‘An Ubhal as Àirde’, cruinneachadh ùr de litreachas Gàidhlig, a chur air bhog air Diardaoin 14 Samhain aig an Oilthigh. Tha an leabhar na phàirt de shreath leabhraichean a sheallas farsaingeachd litreachas nam mion-chànan Eòrpach, agus tha e a’ toirt àrd-shealladh air a’ Ghàidhlig agus […]
Join us on Friday 6th December 2019 for a special night of song, music and poetry to celebrate Hamish Henderson, champion of Scotland’s rich oral tradition. Voice of the People brings together contemporary voices inspired by Henderson’s life and work, featuring prominent tradition bearers and material from the School of Scottish Studies archives. Poet, song-maker, […]
Celtic & Scottish Studies celebrates World Play A Strathspey Day – 15th May A few strathspeys (rhythmic Scottish tunes and songs) from our Scottish Ethnology team. https://youtu.be/uiThEhDgUek In the film Dr Lori Watson, Lecturer in Scottish Ethnology, sings the first verse of ‘Song of the Gillie More’ by Hamish Henderson set to traditional strathspey ‘Whistle […]