Why #ExperienceWorks – a student perspective – part 1

This morning, we are sharing the thoughts of John MacFadyen, a Chemical Engineering student, currently on placement with Dyson.

As an engineer I was always told “you’ll walk straight into a job”, but this is simply a fallacy. Finding a job is extremely difficult for everyone and should not be overlooked as a walk in the park. But, there is a short-cut that presents many opportunities for post university life. This is, of course, the internship! It may be vocational, or somewhere completely unrelated to your degree, but regardless of the circumstances you get real life experience in an industry while picking up many skills that will make you employable once graduated.

Internships are, in the most part, a trial period to familiarize yourself in an industry that you may have little-to-no experience in. Combining knowledge that you have learned at Uni, and soft skills gained when socializing, you arm yourself with the ammunition needed to take on a full time role in a real life company.

The beauty of an internship is it comes to an end. And with this end you have a pretty good idea about whether this is the place you want to start your working life. So you’re probably thinking; what’s the catch right? Well there is no catch. Most internships are paid, they are good fun, you learn a lot and, if you do well, then there is a real chance you’ll get offered a job when graduating. There is nothing to lose but so much to gain – so what are you waiting for?

Dyson are currently advertising a 12 month placement opportunity on MyCareerHub: https://mycareerhub.ed.ac.uk/students/organisations/jobs/107787/dyson-ltd


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