If you missed Careers Consultant Kyla Atkinson’s online session yesterday on ‘How to Make the Most of CCCF” here’s her quick summary…’

The Creative and Cultural Careers Festival (CCCF) runs from March 11-March 15th. It is a brilliant opportunity to meet and be inspired by individuals working in the Creative industries, Media or Cultural institutions. There will be a variety of events from mini-fairs, talks, panel events and informal networking. To help you prepare for it here are some top tips:
Be Curious
The festival isn’t focused on direct recruitment, but you may meet people that can help you get closer to where you want to be. You could ask about their career path, any successes they have had, and if they have any advice for you to gain experience in the sector. Make sure that you write down their name as well as any notes on the conversation you had, as these will be useful to refer to later.
Review your experience
- What has got you interested in the creative sector?
- What have you done and achieved, can you summarise it?
- What are you good at and what do you like doing, can you talk about it with enthusiasm?
Think about why you are attending, and what would be a good outcome for you from the Festival?
Attend as much as possible and give yourself some flexibility to explore a variety of career paths. If it is a networking event prepare an introduction beforehand.
Highlight your creative strengths through social media
- Showcase examples of your work through developing a professional website
- Follow organisations you are interested in on Twitter
- Blog about sectors you are interested in on WordPress or Blogger
Think about your next steps
- Make an appointment with a Careers Consultant to discuss opportunities, get application feedback or a practice interview
- Drop into our helpdesk at George Square or Murchison House, King’s Buildings
- Read our Careers Service blog, Inform.ed to learn about individuals’ paths and jobs in the creative sector
- Follow our social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)
- Think about attending more networking events. Take a look at Creative Mornings, Edinburgh and Creative Edinburgh to get you started.