Image with a maple leaf which has the text How John made the most of his summer in Canada: Mitacs research internship

How John made the most of his summer in Canada: Mitacs research internship

The University is working with Mitacs to offer widening participation students the opportunity to participate in a funded Globalink Research Internship over the summer of 2025. Successful interns will participate in research projects under the supervision of outstanding academic mentors in Canada. It is a great opportunity to get international research experience on your CV, and experience the many educational, social, and recreational opportunities Canada has to offer.  

John is a Physics undergraduate student who has just finished third year and we’re delighted he took time out of his internship to share his Mitacs 2024 Globalink Research Internship experience so far at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM)…

Hi John, what prompted you to apply for MITACS 2024?

In July 2023, I received an email from the Widening Participation team at Edinburgh informing me about a funded research internship opportunity in Canada. I knew that I wanted to secure an internship for the following summer but wasn’t totally sure what I wanted from one. I have always been interested in graduate studies, so the sound of a research internship appealed to me. Prior to coming to Canada, I had never been outside of Europe, so the opportunity to do so whilst being paid sounded truly phenomenal.

I really liked the flexibility of the internship in the sense that I could apply to research projects across a vast array of institutions in Canada; something that most other internships simply cannot offer. It also gave me the opportunity to be a part of another university, UTM, other than Edinburgh and experience the differences that they have. It has been enjoyable to see the alternative approaches that UTM has, and it has allowed me to see how I think differently to others due to my educational background.

How did you find the application process?

I thought that it was quite straightforward, and that Mitacs always kept me well informed of things that I needed to do and the deadlines for these. One thing I will mention is that you need to provide an academic reference, and the sooner you ask for this the better, as people are busy! When applying, you get to pick up to seven projects from a large list of provinces as well as institutions. As I wasn’t totally sure where I wanted to go, I decided to pick projects dotted all around the country which appealed to me, and that fate would determine where I ended up.

Towards November 2023, I started to hear from professors regarding interviews. I say, although these interviews can be scary, try to enjoy them as ultimately the research these people are a part of is super interesting and they want to hear your interests and questions about it. Although I had three interviews for two different projects, the project which I eventually ended up getting an offer from I didn’t have an interview for! So, do not worry if you do not hear from all the projects you applied for, as it is often not indicative of what will happen.

What does a typical week look like?

I have been assigned a project focussing on quantifying how bacteria physically align themselves under different conditions. It is my responsibility to make progress on this and have weekly meetings with my supervisor to help me move towards my goal. This is a simulation project that will make use of the supercomputer here at UTM and the research is very exciting to be a part of!

Day to day, the structure is very flexible. I don’t need to be in the lab for 9am sharp, and ultimately what I do during a day is up to me. As well as my own project, I will also be working with a PhD student in the lab on their project, and gaining some experience in the wet lab; great foundational skills to build for a career in science.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I really enjoy all the people I meet; since I am in a research wing at the university, there are lots of labs very close together. Due to this, I get to meet people from a plethora of backgrounds and it’s very interesting to learn about how these people got to where they are today. Furthermore, Toronto is a very diverse place, so it gives me the opportunity to learn about others and their cultures, which is something that I really enjoy.

What do you still hope to gain from your internship?

By the end of my internship, I hope to better understand what it is that I want from the next steps of my life after undergraduate studies. Whether that be continuing with graduate studies, or finding a job in industry; I am not sure. But, by immersing myself in research this summer and being able to hear different stories from all the people I meet, I hope to work towards these next steps and find truly what it is that I will enjoy compared to what I think I should be doing.

Many thanks John.

If John’s experience has sparked your interest in the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Programme, eligible students will have received an email from the Internships and Work Experience Team at the Careers Service, inviting them to register their interest in the programme. Applications close on 25th July 2024.

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