Thanks to Lila Pitcher, History of Art and English Lit student and Eva Stanistreet, Animation student, both working as Student Ambassadors for #CCCF19, for this guest post sharing their take on some of the highlights of CCCF.
The Creative and Cultural Careers Festival kicks off next week, showcasing a variety of talks and events to help inspire and prepare you for life after university. Whether you’re a keen designer or a budding author, CCCF offers something for anyone who is interested in the arts. Read on to see how you can take advantage of the week’s events!
1) Being your Own Boss: Practical Advice for Freelancing
How do I sell my skills? How do I get work? How do I do taxes? Answers to these puzzling questions and more are discussed at Edinburgh Innovations’ Practical Advice for Freelancing on 12th of March. With the miracle of the internet and social media, it has never been easier to self-promote and show off your skills, and with the right knowledge, becoming a freelancer can be an exciting prospect for anyone working in the creative industries. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a fresher looking for extra cash, or prepping for graduation, you can find a way of developing your portfolio – and your wallet!

2) Uncover the Performing Arts World: Why You Don’t Have To Only Be An Actor or Director
So you love performance? If the world of stages and creaking floorboards makes you palpitate, but you have no idea how to get your foot in the door, this CCCF event could be perfect for you. On Friday the 15th of March, a panel of professionals from the world of performing arts will discuss their experience of theatre and performance. Whether you are interested in acting or production, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about this professional world and uncover potential jobs you perhaps had never heard of before.
3) Analogue is so Last Decade: Being a Designer in the Digital Age
Whether it’s posting a photo of your night out on Instagram, or drawing an illustration on a tablet, creating content digitally has become the norm. How have creative industries grown to work with this? CCCF is hosting several events about that touch on video games, film and TV, and other forms of online content throughout the week. Find out how to get your career off the ground from TV and film-industry professionals on Monday 11th March, and hear from Computer Games Industry veteran Brian Baglow at the Creative Edinburgh Talking Heads event on 12th of March – don’t miss out!
4) Making it in the Books: Make Contacts in the World of Books and Publishing
‘Oh god, reading books for a living would be my actual dream’: we’ve all heard it, but is it actually possible? Come and find out at our talks and mini fair on the 14th of March where you can connect with professional in the business and understand how you can go from passionate reader to book entrepreneur. Whether you are a literature student or secretly devour a book per week, our book and publishing event will invite you to discover what it takes to set off on a literature career.
5) ‘Oh my Vlog!’ – Content Creation and a Career with Social Media
Nowadays, keeping a blog or posting on social media has extended from being simply a passtime. Multitudes of influencers and personalities have made their mark on various platforms such as Youtube, WordPress, Instagram (and more!) where content creation is at the heart of their profession. Do you love to write about what you see around you? If so, come along to the Content Creation event on Wednesday 13th of March. If you can’t make it but are still interested in a writing career, check out the CCCF competition where you can win the chance to published by The List, plus a day’s work shadowing with them.
6) Legalised Lies or Visual Genius? Marketing and Advertising
Sometimes considered “the greatest art form of the 20th century”, advertising has grown from its original paper format to radio, then television, and now on the internet. Marketing agencies need people who are not only creative and clever, but those who know what makes people tick. If you think you can master the art of visual persuasion, then make sure to visit the CCCF’s Advertising talk on Tuesday the 12th of March. Meet industry professionals and discover the whys and hows behind the adverts.
7) ‘People die, art lives on forever’ – CCCF’s Museums, Galleries and Heritage Fair.
Do you have a passion for curation and the world of museums? Do you wish you could spend your time around art but don’t know how to get involved? Wait no more: on Wednesday 13th March, CCCF is working with the Arts & Heritage Society to put together a mini fair with some of Edinburgh and Scotland’s best museums and galleries representatives. Come along to meet some professionals and get an idea of how you could work towards preserving our immense cultural heritage. Talks on Hidden Jobs, and Conservation Careers are also happening before and after the fair.
8) Collaborating with the Community: The Arts for Good and Creative Edinburgh
It’s a well known fact that the arts are a powerful tool to bring people together, and there are 2 sessions in the festival that demonstrate this. The Arts for Good session focuses on the direct impact some career paths can have on individuals and their communities. The Creative Edinburgh Talking Heads session will shine a light on the vibrant creative community right here on our doorstep. With speakers from varied creative backgrounds, this event promises to be fun, interesting, inspiring and reassuring – speakers will discuss what they wanted to be when the grow up – does anyone really know? Did they change direction? Probably! Both events are on 12th March.
9) ‘Can I give you my business card?’ Shed the Fear of Networking with CCCF
Does the idea of networking cover you in cold sweat while you picture yourself drawn to the all-you-can-eat buffet more so than a potential employer? No more! Shed your fear of networking with CCCF. More than unique insight into your favourite career paths, the festival offers you the possibility to meet some professionals who have, in the past, been in your shoes. Making contacts, while often one of the most daunting processes, is also one of the best ways of putting a foot through the post-graduation door. Who knows who could become your future colleague?
Don’t worry, we are here to help you! Get some tips on How to Make the Most of out of CCCF at our online webinar on Tuesday 5th March:
CCCF will run from 11-15th March at the University of Edinburgh. More information can be found on our website.
(CCCF credit Chris Scott and Creative Edinburgh)