Hi everyone (:
So many changes occurred in the past week due to the Coronavirus outbreak! As we shift into social-distancing and self-isolation, I’ve come up with a few strategies to help myself deal with these times where it seems like the days stretch out, and we’re faced with the same environment day-in day-out. I hope they might help you as well!
- Make a schedule
Now that school’s out and we are left to our own devices, I’m making a schedule to put some form of structure into my days. It isn’t a detailed structure in any way, but a general outline of what I should do over the course of the day. Here is a general outline if interested! I don’t necessary follow it daily, but it makes me feel better that my time has been structured in some way.
7:30am to 8:00am – Wake up!
8am to 12pm – Breakfast and school work time
12pm to 1pm – Lunchtime!
1pm to 2pm – Activity time = exercises
2pm to 4pm – Shower and housekeeping
4pm to 6pm – Dinner prep + dinner
6pm to 10pm – Do more work, or free time (:
10pm to 10:30pm – Bed time Zz
- To do Lists
Lists help me keep track of what I need to do/get done daily, or in general, be it school work or just for general housekeeping purposes!
- Keep myself active
As seen in the schedule, I make sure that I have some time every day to keep myself active. Before this outbreak, I regularly went to the gym. But being stuck at home, not only do we get less physical activity, it can just seem easier to sit in bed/on the couch all day watching TV. With this scheduled time, I make sure that I get my muscles moving and my heart pumping with the variety of home workout videos on the World Wide Web.
- Cooking/Baking!
I’ve always liked trying new recipes, but this gives me a great opportunity to practice all the recipes I’ve saved up! Baking keeps me relaxed, and makes me happy to have others (aka. just my SO right now) enjoy my cooking.
That’s all I have so far! Hope that’s a little helpful to some (:
Stay safe everyone