Location: Online
Time: 10-11am Tuesday November 21st 2023
A sustainable, live-able and healthy neighbourhood consists of an environment being ‘user-friendly’ and is shaped by people who work and live in the area, so there remains a need to foster continuous engagement with the community to balance different needs within limited space. The engagement also encourages their active participation to build a more welcoming environment equitable for everyone. To envision our living space, model-making can be a useful approach to encourage dialogue among participants to experiment and practise their creativity through the design process. LEGO bricks, for its versatility and familiarity, could be a potential medium to be used for these model-making and brainstorming sessions.
Speaker: Kenneth Wong is a recent MSc graduate in Science Communication and Public Engagement at the University of Edinburgh. He has a keen interest in exploring the use of LEGO in public engagement and community projects, and has recently completed certified training in LEGO® Serious Play® facilitation. His dissertation project is about designing an engagement session about brainstorming a friendly neighbourhood using LEGO building.
Recording: https://ed-ac-uk.zoom.us/rec/share/iZJjZi08X0PrrLDWN-TsqETfFs3NmC4MA8vLjpa_1WenT8XjSrpSZRZpdCMzo88J.Z1tV-UKE3_frbsLg?startTime=1700561184000