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Learning Sprint 2 | Play Assignments

In the sprint play we first received an existing score, our group’s score was called walk and the rules were very simple. We tried this score in the large classroom next to the classroom, and as we had customised our criteria, the scene was somewhat disorganised and chaotic, not like we were playing a score, but like we were just walking around the classroom.



When we first brainstormed for the basho, we first restricted the location of the score to an art gallery or library as we wanted to combine the score with art as much as possible. My group member kate came up with the idea of looking at artwork through torn paper, which was also a very interesting proposal that would provide a new way of looking at existing artwork and provide us with a new way of visiting art galleries. And my idea was to combine the digital and point approach with the library. The organiser hides some strips of paper with numbers written on them inside a specific book, and the participants are first given a set of numbers representing the book they are looking for and the time they have to stay, and they find the strips of paper to continue the score in the book they find in order to make their next move. My idea was to set the dwell time longer and when people were forced to stop at a shelf before they would start reading. I wanted to change this score into a way of promoting people’s reading behaviour. I am glad that the group took my idea. We brainstormed more sensible and interesting improvements based on the initial proposal.

We built on the initial programme by setting the number of books at three and asking participants to keep the three books. After collecting all the books, they were asked to open the book, pick the first sentence of any page, combine the three sentences and create their own new piece of work. We named the score rework the library, which was more fun than my original idea and stimulated the participants to create something else.

After registering the new account and posting the rules, our group went to the eca library to pilot the project and post our finished work on Instagram as well. The process was a lot of fun and the way we created new stories from existing sentences was able to inspire and motivate us.



In deciding on the copyright stage, we chose the most liberal standard, CC BY, and we allow everything to be shared, adapted and commercialised. Hopefully, with a free copyright, this score will pass from us to the next group and inspire them to create something new.

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