Began week 2 by establishing what guests of a luxury hotel need then sketching a few bubble diagrams to work out possible room layouts. The space needs to be minimalist with sleek lines and clean edges.  How can I incorporate this in an interesting layout? Below is a sketch of the floorpan shape for the ex Machina house, I took inspiration for my floorplan from this shape as it is main location/scene where the film is shot.


Luxury and sophistication fits pretty well with the minimalist, modernism and contemporary aspects of the interior found in the film as I want to aim to keep the open space, natural light and muted colour pallet prevalent in the design concept.



Initial sketch of room design, the aim is to incorporate the natural materials within the space, initially drew curved wood detailing behind the bed but think straight wood with its sleeker lines is more in keeping with the minimalist approach and fits with the boarding on the outside of the Ex Machina House.



Sketching ideas for clothing racks, trying to achieve a clean minimal design, after drawing these in 3D and referring back to the film I think it would be better to have an enclosed wardrobe built into the room as this creates a more minimalist aesthetic.


Sketching through ideas for different elements of the room design, what style fits best with the overall look I am trying to achieve?


What are the visitors movements generally when they arrive at their hotel room? Trying to understand their needs and requirements through what you might do upon arriving at your room. Using this as a basis for planing out the space and where people need specific things.



Rough sketches of possible room layouts, do they work, do they flow, do the suit the needs of the client? How can they be improved on? After working through possible ideas I decided that the first layout was the most suitable and began drawing up the first draft of the floorplan.


Below is an image taken from the sketch up model of the first draft of the room. The flow works well but after revisiting the film the space doesn’t create the feeling that is given off in the film, I need to combine the feeling of the outdoors and nature being close but untouchable with the feeling of confinement. This first draft of the design has led away from the minimalist approach so I need to look and how I can combine all these elements to develop the design further.


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