All attended art assignments in the open on Tuesday 5th October. We have been learning about OER. It is important that you understand what an OER is since you will produce an open learning project then invite the members of other Bashos to take part in it. I am interested in ‘What is OER?’ Even though I have some experience sharing our knowledge, I have thought about OER’s meanings on education.
Open learning impacts learning when teachers and learners are using OER. Because of greater student engagement in learning, the opportunity to be more innovative in the classroom, and access to an updated curriculum, open education is an evolving term of philosophies and practices aimed at widening access to education for those who wish to learn.
I found one value on OER / 4Rs. Knox (2003) developed the 4Rs framework for thinking about the use of OER: namely, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute. He later added a 5th R: Retain – the right to make, own, and control copies of the content (Wiley, 2014). I think OER were believed to provide economies of scale as the same resource could be reused in a variety of different teaching contexts and provide exemplars of good practice to help academics improve their teaching.
I think there is one thing I can take away from this. The use of Open Educational Resources for teaching and learning in order to innovate the learning process. However, I witness formal / informal learning, learner / teacher roles, and virtual / face-to-face educational contexts. Open practices, particularly when framed in wider national and institutional policy initiatives, enable learners and researchers to be part of a global community of peers. So, I have a question: will open practices replace traditional educational offerings?
Our group also suggested ‘closed’ forms of art learning, and I realised that everyone’s ideas are different because, each person has a different understanding of the concept of closed in relation to their own educational background. Kris and I gave the same example of a journal site like JSTOR where academic journals protected by paywalls are used as a ‘closed’ educational resource. We want to provide free access to educational resources, but you have problems with academics who rely on this income to do their work, etc. In addition, we even considered the ‘closed’ nature of the gallery, where we found some paintings and documents that were difficult for the public to find. The gallery does not provide such access to the public.
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