Blog 5- Artificial Lighting Workshop
In this workshop during week 5 of lighting design, we got a visit from a company that supplies lights on a global scale, they began with a presentation discussing the different lights that they distributed and the different effects these lights had. My findings during this presentation were interesting and they evolved as the workshop began. This company brought dozens of different light sources with different lenses and brightness which was fascinating as the variety of different forms of light that we were able to produce was quite substantial.
For the workshop, we were then split into groups where we went around the class observing the different light forms and the effects they had on surfaces and objects, this was a fun and interesting activity as I never realised how much light could be manipulated as well as the different forms the lights hold. These varied from thin lenses that made the lights narrow to, other wider lenses that created a blur around the edge of the light to make it less defined.

Flood luminaire
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