Month: October 2020

Daniel Beltra- Art Work for Change

Indonesia’s rainforests are rapidly disappearing. Habitat loss is a major threat to its residents: the Sumatra tigers, rhinos, orangutans and elephants. Can activism make a difference in securing a better future for humans and our fellow creatures? Although ongoing campaigns by NGOs, activists and consumers to fight deforestation in Indonesia have led to sustainability commitments …

Basia Irland

Ice Receding/Books Reseeding emphasizes the necessity of communal effort and scientific knowledge to deal with the complex issues of climate disruption and watershed restoration by releasing seed-laden ephemeral ice sculptures into rivers. I work with stream ecologists, biologists, and botanists to ascertain the best seeds for each specific riparian zone. When an ecosystem is restored …

Samuel Zeller

“Occasionally, the viewer is presented with a glimpse of architectural functionality and a rogue tendril or two straining to escape from a cracked pane or vent. Overwhelmingly however, these spaces and these photographs are transporting and dreamlike, presenting as they do a controlled, idealised version of nature at odds with the often scruffy — but …

Pierre Huyghe

Pierre Huyghe focus of producing working alternative to a human perspective presenting them as complex systems themselves as complex systems characterised by a wide range of life forms, inanimate objects and technologies. He produces immersive work surrounding the ever changing environment; incoporating how humans animals and other adapt and evolve. ‘I don’t want to exhibit something …

Deforestation Melting

‘Human-driven and natural loss of trees —deforestation— affects wildlife, ecosystems, weather patterns, and even the climate.’ – National Geographic Deforestation – Decrease Carbon Absorption – Increase in Greenhouse Gasses – Global Warming – Glacial Melting   This is a series of photographs taken through out the experiment of ice melting over flora images printed onto sugar paper. The experimental process …

Enough Room?

To visualise life before the climate crisis we would need to adapt our current life style, live sustainably and accommodate biodiversity. With the rate of deforestation and population growth, anthropogenic exhaustion of the worlds natural resources and production of greenhouse gasses will be the cause of the 6th mass extinction. We are on the precipice …