Swarm Reading Peeragogy 3.0

Our task for last week was to “swarm read” Peeragogy Handbook 3.0 in our Basho. We were each assigned a chapter of the text to read and annotate using Hypothesis, and then summarize our findings on the group Miro board. Following this individual work, we met on Thursday to present and discuss our findings.

I was assigned the chapter on Cooperation: this section covered the differences between facilitation and co-facilitation, and introduced the notion of the “workscape” as a networked learning environment. The chapter also offered some guidelines on managing [one’s expectations of] individual participation in group work, as well as examples of successful cooperative group-work projects. The text makes frequent reference to Wikipedia, presenting the website as an exemplary peer-to-peer project.

I found the Peeragogy Handbook to be informative and detailed, and I imagine I will refer back to it throughout the Open Learning course. The handbook is repetitive at times, and because of this many of our individual notes overlapped. The text emphasizes the importance of goals and structure, and respect for individual contributions (and even non-contributions); our discussion focused on these common themes as well as the potential of trying out some of the group exercises described in the handbook.

You can view my annotations of the Cooperation chapter on Hypothesis here.

Group notes on Miro following our swarm reading of Peeragogy Handbook 3.0 (05/10/21)

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