These small works follow on from my earlier experiment in making “pocket objects” which could potentially be used as a basis for practice exchange at the upcoming Art and Open Learning Fair. My intention was to find a way of “reactivating” used or discarded written materials through adapting them into small, carry-able “sculptures” which suggest a common ground between art and everyday ephemera.
The examples shown below are unsophisticated and very quick to make – using scrap paper or card and clear or cloth tape, and with the addition an eyelet through which cord can be passed. The cord (which could be substituted for a split-ring or other connector) suggests and facilitates functionality, which – in some small way – situates each object in the space between the separate spheres of “art” and “everyday life”.
I still think that this process could be codified to form the basis of a short workshop, in which each participant produces a similar object. I have yet to decide whether the process needs to be more or less specific; whether it is at present too simple or too complex; and whether the process is achievable – or indeed worthwhile – in the amount of time given.

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