Unlearning (Crosstalk) Part 2

Context for this post can be found in Unlearning (Crosstalk) Part 1.

Following the group Crosstalk exercise we broke off into smaller groups to begin thinking in more detail about the theory and practice of “unlearning”. We started by using word association to generate meanings and ideas suggested by “unlearning”, before grouping these ideas into clusters based on themes and common attributes. After a while our groups traded places, and using the other Basho’s notes as raw material each group began to generate their own framework for the application of unlearning as a form of practice (see images below).

I thoroughly enjoyed this process as I find using word association, list-making, concept mapping etc. to be an easy and spontaneous way to generate and organize my thoughts. I think that these techniques really worked in the group context too – we seemed to find a great deal to link into the idea of “unlearning” and this lead to some interesting discussion and ideas for future work.

Red Basho notes (detail)
Red Basho notes (detail)
Red Basho notes (detail)
Red Basho notes (detail)
Red Basho notes
Unlearning framework generated from Red Basho notes
Unlearning framework generated from Red Basho notes
Unlearning framework generated from Red Basho notes
Unlearning framework generated from Red Basho notes
Blue Basho notes (in yellow) with Red Basho notes (pink)
Blue Basho notes (in yellow) with Red Basho notes (pink) (detail)
Blue Basho notes (in yellow) with Red Basho notes (pink) (detail)
Blue Basho notes (in yellow) with Red Basho notes (pink) (detail)
Blue Basho notes (in yellow) with Red Basho notes (pink) (detail)
Blue Basho notes (in yellow) with Red Basho notes (pink) (detail)
Blue Basho “Unlearning” notes
Blue Basho “Unlearning” notes (detail)
Blue Basho “Unlearning” notes (detail)
Blue Basho “Unlearning” notes (detail)
Blue Basho “Unlearning” notes (detail)

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