PhD Nursing Students’ Visit to the Sick Kids Hospital, Edinburgh.

Some of our Postgraduate students managed to fit a visit to the ‘Sick Kids’ hospital around their studies.
The visit was organised by Sharon Levy and Clarissa (a PhD Student in Nursing Studies). A group of six PhD Nursing Students accompanied by Sharon went to the Royal hospital for Sick Children ‘Sick Kids’ on Thursday February 9, 2017.
The group were met by Lindsay McLeish, a Health and Wellbeing Nurse, who gave the group a detailed lecture about her specialty area – Transition of clients (children) with long term illness/ disabilities especially spinal bifida and hydrocephalus into adult care.
There was time to explore the need for this service, schedule of activities, challenges faced and the proposed way forward as part of the session.
Time was also spent considering the Scotland Framework – Getting it right for every child and Ready, Steady, Go – Transition to adult services assessment package.
The PhD students who are all from different parts (countries) of the world also exchanged their experiences on how children with such conditions are managed in their different countries. Some suggestions were given, questions, concerns and clarifications were also made. It was an interactive and educative experience for all involved!