MSc Students at the NES Conference 2016

On Thursday 9 June 2016, three ANP students attended an extraordinary nursing conference in Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh and have shared their thoughts about the day for the blog.
The conference started with a speech of a member of the Scottish government who spoke about post registration education and policy landscape.
Each of us attended to 5 sessions focused on different themes relevant for healthcare professions. Reflective practice, supervision, e-health and the use of e-portfolio were just some on the themes raised and emphasised.
Because this event was not only attended by nurses, but also other healthcare professionals, it was good to mingle with people from various fields and look into some concerns of practice in other healthcare fields, as well as in nursing field.
However, because we have neither any particular working experience in NHS Scotland nor any educational background about NHS Scotland, we had some difficulties in catching up with some abbreviation or standards which were told many times in the session(s). Furthermore, we think this conference was mostly suitable for those who are on the way of leadership or structural position in NHS.
Overall, we consider it as a great experience which has stimulated our critical reflection about education in practice. We are looking forward to attend the next conference!!!