MSc Student takes ERAS to Canada

One of the MSc students, Angie Balfour, is just back from Canada where she had been invited to present on the ERAS programme. This is a programme which she is involved in as part of her clinical work in NHS Lothian.
ERAS or ‘Enhanced Recovery After Surgery’ is a Multi-Modal, Multi-Disciplinary, evidence-based programme of care that aims to recover patients’ better quicker following elective surgery (go to www.ERAS for further information).
No stranger to sharing ERAS with others, Angie had been specially invited to Edmonton, Canada to be part of the Western Canada Nutrition Day on October 18, 2014.
Angie says this e-mail started her Enhanced Recovery World Tour 2014.
“Hi Angie – I hope this finds you well! I am writing to see if you would be willing and able to come to Edmonton for our Western Canada Nutrition Day on October 18, 2014. I have copied Maryanne Yurkiw who is our conference organizer here – I will ask that she forward a copy of the program to you. It would be great to see you – our ERAS work is really taking off and our nurses would benefit from your insights and expertise!” – it was not an invitation that could be refused!
Angie was asked to present not just once, but twice! First to the nurses during “Grand Rounds” and then at the conference which had a mix of surgeons/ anaesthetists/ managers and other key health boards members in attendance. They wanted to hear the experiences in Edinburgh trying to implement and sustain the ERAS programme.
‘There have been hi’s and lows” – this met with laughter and an appreciation from the audience about how challenging it can be to make systematic changes like this in our Health care systems. I was able to report that despite some on going challenges, there has been progress throughout Scotland and the UK and ERAS is now being implemented in more and more elective procedures. The feedback from the event organisers has been very positive and I enjoyed the experience’ Angie Balfour MSc ACS Student
Well Done Angie! What an achievement!