Presenting at the Taiwan Scientific Symposium

It is always excited to present your work with audiences from different field. On 7thApril 2018, I presented my work at the Taiwan Scientific Symposium in Edinburgh, which was organised by the Ministry of Science and Technology. As it was my third time attending the symposium I thought it would be good to do something different this year. Therefore, I submitted an abstract and put myself forward to give an oral presentation. My doctoral study is about nurses’ fever knowledge and fever management and I have presented on this several times but this was my first time presenting in Mandarin. I felt nervous and excited at the same time.
The aim of the symposium was for researchers from Taiwan who are currently in the UK to present their studies and also to network, and learn about each other’s work. Researchers from different areas were given 12 minutes to introduce their study. The presenters all had different professional backgrounds, such as economics, physics, biology medicine, informatics and nursing (me!). It was a challenge to present to researchers from different backgrounds in such a short time. At the beginning of the symposium, everyone was asked to scan a QR code through each their mobile device. After scanning, a webpage would appear, which had a list of presenters, and all the audiences could vote for the best presentation on the day through the webpage. This made the presentation more stressful. I managed to complete the presentation in time followed by really nice discussion with the audience. To my delight I actually won the ‘best presentation’ award. I was so pleased and especially as I felt that I was representing Nursing Studies.
After my presentation, a few people came to asked questions about my research and we had a good discussion. I was glad that my study was discussed and noticed by people with different areas of expertise. It was one of my most amazing day’s in 2018.
Anny Chen, Doctoral Student, Nursing Studies