学園祭歴史と私たちの経験 Gakensai History and Our Experience (ジェシカ)



School festivals first began in 1921. Choshichi Ito (who was a Japanese academic) introduced school festivals in hopes of inspiring creativity among students. It was after World War Two (1946) that school festivals began to start looking like they do today. Stalls now include things such as themed cafes, haunted houses, and food stalls.  

Everyone did lots of different kinds of stalls at our Gakuen-sai. Our group decided to make cookies and have people draw Kanji on them, inspired by omikuji fortunes you can purchase at Japanese shrines. We all had lots of fun at everyone’s stalls. Our favourite stall was the keyring one and we all bought a keyring. As a group, we plan to stay in touch when in Japan and take photos of us with our keyrings.  We hope people had fun at our stall as well! 

おみくじ Leaflet






日本の学生運動 Japanese Student Movement (トゥルーヂィー) 


Next, there is not much student autonomy among students in Japanese universities. Students do not really take part in demonstrations or strikes, with political mobility being limited to very few societies according to Kahona-san. For example, there is not a “Labour Society” at their university. As there are almost no political societies at Japanese universities, political mobility is not easily accessible, or visible. For this reason, students often do not participate in student movements. Furthermore, the level of student autonomy depends on the university one researches. For example, students at Sophia University (上智大学) run and organise their own stalls at the Gakuensai (学園祭). However, as it is originally a Catholic school, the directing board is fairly opposed to student political demonstrations. Therefore, there is very little political aspect in this university. On the whole, students at Japanese universities do not take part in political movements or demonstrations due to personal choice and limited autonomy due to directing boards. 


日本にいる留学生 International Students in Japan(ソフィー) 



In our interview with international students from Japan, one of the students said that, especially at the University of Tsukuba (their home university), even though there are many international students, there are very few opportunities for them to be involved and interact with the Japanese students, which they were regretful of and wished the student union did more to counter this, such as through Gakuensai. 

In Japan, there has been a push to increase the numbers of international students, since there aren’t enough workers due to the aging population crisis and also pressures of an increasing global importance on the Japanese economy.  

As many exchange students to Japan from Edinburgh university have expressed, the extra-curricular university life in Japan is not largely accessible to international students, given how intensive the commitment societies require.  This may have a knock-on effect on the retention rate of students after graduation and so, if Japanese companies and the government want more students to remain, perhaps they should first better integrate international students into university life and culture. 


学園祭と気候変動の関係 Environment and Japanese Universities(ステファニー) 


In our times more and more people are showing increasing care about climate change as its affects are becoming clearer. This is especially true with young people as they are the ones that will be at the forefront of climate change’s consequences. Gakuensai is an event that can be used as a way to fight against these environmental crises. People of all ages visit Japanese Universities to experience Gakuensai which makes it a good way to spread awareness about environmental issues. Surveys show that people are so eager to use climate-friendly products that they pay more for them than non-climate friendly products and so students take advantage of this as a means to promote sustainable products and raise money for climate action in addition to other experiences crucial to enhancing student life through Gakuensai.