


During the interview we asked certain political questions, we learned about such things as strikes and demonstrations. Waseda University is often giving as an example of a university with active political demonstrations. In the 50s, university students when on protest about bribery between politicians and soldiers based in Japan. However universities that used to be politically active are not as much any more, for example Waseda and Seikei.



Additionally we showed the first years where to find and buy certain items for our stall. During the gakuensai us second years helped the first years with running the stall because they had never been to a gakuensai before. We also gave guidance before the day on what games and the cost of prizes. Also during the group project classes we tried out best to answer their questions. Lastly it was was fun to work with them.



In week 4 we interviewed exchange students about gakuensai and student movements. One student we interviewed was from Waseda, a university known for its student politics, and we heard about the influence of student protests of the late 1960s, and about student political groups at gakuensai. While there are student political groups active at gakuensai today, their presence was greater in the past. From my own research I learned that not only has participation in student politics has decreased in recent times, but that increasingly few young people vote in elections.  



It was fun to interact with first years since we have different perspectives on learning Japanese, and we provided them some advice. For preparation of the interview, we helped out each other in researching, and focused on different topics. They asked questions about how school gakuensais are usually held, while we focused on student activism in Japanese universities. We also did different tasks for preparing for our gakuensai stall, where rather than upperclassmen and underclassmen we were equal teammates to each other.