Group Name: Group 8 – Omikuji Team

Blog Author: Emiliia (エミリヤ)、Kefei (ソウ カヒ) WangYi (ワンイー) Ross (ロス)


(ソウ カヒ)

最初、私たちのグループは学園祭で、かんじゲームをするつもりです。でも、私たちは検索してみたんですが、ちょっと難しいと思っていました。その後、インタネットで日本の御神籤(おみくじ)の歴史を読んだ、とてもおもしろくて、日本の文化にも関係があると思いました。そしで、グルプメンバーと相談して、学園祭でおみくじをするのを決めました。私たちは Amazonやお店で買いたかった、でも、イギリスでどこでも買えません。だから、エミリアさんは自分でデザインをして、ねこの御神籤を作りました。ほんとうに可愛いです。

At first, our group was thinking of doing kanji battle games for the Gakuen-sai. However, after we did some research, we felt it might be a bit hard to design the game and to decide the rules. Later I have read something online about the history and background of the Japanese omikuji . I felt it was quite interesting and closely related to the Japanese culture. Therefore, I thought it might be a good idea to do omikuji for the Gakuen-sai. After discussing this idea within our group, we then decided to do so. We wanted to buy directly from Amazon or from a local shop, unfortunately, we did not find any. So Emiliia took the role to design and make her own cat version of omikuji which are really cute.






Until recently, I have never participated in organising school festivals or events of this format. I have seen and heard many things about the Gakuen Sai festival in Japanese anime, films, and on the internet. Organising one turned out to be very exciting and fun.

Our group wanted to make something special, and since most people like surprises, we decided that omikuji was a perfect choice. My task was to design the fortune slips. I went for a simple yet cute look and drew a cat character. Its expressions corresponded with different fortune levels; for example, “good luck” had a happy-looking cat, while “bad luck” had a sad cat.

Although this was a very small festival, it was charming and memorable. It was also great to learn more about what other students are interested in and have new discussion topics with classmates and senpai.

Overall, Gakuen Sai has been a wonderful experience and a great learning opportunity. I am looking forward to next year’s festival!


学園祭でおみくじをやったので、賞品も挙げたらいいのにと思いました。私たちはチョコレートとお菓子をたくさん買いました。お餅などの日本のお菓子も買いました。日本の学園祭では食べ物、賞品、ゲームがあり、 エディンバラ大学の学園祭でも食べ物、賞品、ゲームがありました。 でも、私たちはパフォーマンスを見ることができませんでした。 この学園祭で書道を体験しました、とても楽しかったと思います。

For our gakuen sai event we had chosen to hand out prizes accordingly to the fortune slip that was picked out by people participating. The prizes that was available were different types of snacks ranging from sweets to chocolates and many more. When we bought the snacks, we wanted to include Japanese snacks too, so we had also bought snacks like mochi. When compared to the interview there were some similarities as in having food, snacks involved however in our gakuen sai we didn’t have many performances like dancing or sports in general.



The gakuensai was incredibly fun. My friends had a stall with a tea tasting. I was able to successfully guess rice wine, this won me some strawberry mochi. I also wrote some kanji and drew a picture with a paint brush. I didn’t have any cash on me initially, so I had to run to the cash machine in the middle of the event. There were some delicious cupcakes at a different stall which I bought two of and I then bought a pretty chain charm for me and one for my mom too. Everyone had a variety of different ideas for their festival tables, food, crafts, games and writing workshops.