Title: How Learn Ultra Course View can support innovation and creativity in digital teaching practices
Author: Stuart Nicol and Lee-Ann Simpson
Theme: Innovation & Creativity in Teaching
The University’s main VLE, Blackboard Learn, is in the process of being upgraded. At last year’s conference we spoke about the first phase of the upgrade, to Learn Ultra Base Navigation (UBN). Having successfully moved to the new interface and navigation metaphor, this year we embark on phase 2 of the upgrade: to launch all courses into Learn Ultra Course View from the start of academic year 2023/24.
The course interface in Learn has not changed substantially for more than 10 years. Ultra Course View has been designed from the ground up with mobility and accessibility in mind. We believe that the move will offer opportunities for innovation and creativity in teaching and learning. Like any change, there will be pain points, but lesson from over 150 early adopter courses running in 2022/23 show us that there are huge advantages. This poster highlights the main ways in which we believe the upgrade can support innovation and creativity, based on what we know from working with early adopters and from speaking to other universities who have already upgraded.
Like our UBN poster from last year, we include quick links (QR codes) to insightful videos and additional information and resources about the different aspects covered.