Fellowship of the HEA

We would like to congratulate and celebrate the significant number of colleagues from across the University of Edinburgh who have been awarded different categories of Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. These Fellowships are a measure of recognition for individuals based on their experience and dedication to teaching, leadership of teaching, and support for students.

We name here all those who received recognition as Principal Fellows, Senior Fellows, Fellows and Associate Fellows of the Higher Education Academy in the last year, (it also includes a few colleagues with HEA recognition who moved to the University in the last year, or who were omitted from the list last year). Colleagues have achieved this recognition either through the Edinburgh Teaching Award (EdTA) Schemes run by IAD and some Schools, or through direct application to Advance HE.

 Further information about pathways towards Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy through the University of Edinburgh CPD Framework can be found at: www.ed.ac.uk/institute-academic-development/learning-teaching/cpd/cpd

Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA)

David (Dave) Hope

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)

EdTa Direct Applicants
Benjamin (Ben) Blacklock Sharon Macguire
Louise Buckley Susan Morrow
Malgorzata (Gosia) Bugaj Craig Phillips
Gian Marco Campagnolo Kristina Pollock
Aurora Constantin
Glen Cousquer
Jacqueline (Jackie) Dohaney
Juliet Duncan
Jane Hislop
Janette Jamieson
Laura Kidd
Sukanya Krishnamurthy
Duo Luan
Oluseye Ogunbayo
Alice Smith
Smaragda Tsairidou
Ignacio (Nacho) Tudela-Montes
Hilary Young
Rachel Howell

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

EdTa PgCAP Clinical Education (MSc programme) Direct Applicants
Fatih Aktas Hwa Kian Chai Dhivya Ghandi Das
Tessa Fordham
Valentina Andries Ruth (Kristina) Bourne Archith Kamath
Francisco Rafael Garcia Garcia
Kiyoshi Bhuiyan Eleanor Earp Avita Rath Brian McGrail
Louise Blanke Matthew Flynn Tricia Tay
Ale Boussalem Lisa-Christine Girard Kim Jones
Laura Cariola Melina Nicole Kyranides Mark Anthony Non
Zexun Chen Ioanna Leontiou Callum Mutch

Digital Education

Hazel Cruickshanks Chang Liu Bibi Nazmeen Dinally
Laura Denby Christina Loukopoulou Austin Roque Gomindes
Charlotte Desvages Longjie Lu Oliver Phillip Thomas
Douglas Dougan Mauro Luberti Susan Fenton
Claire Fitzsimons Mattias Malaguti Brendan Law Zhen Yang
Rachael Gregson Sarah Louise McDonald
Ezinne Obioma Onebunne
Omar Kaissi Encarni Medina-Lopez
Thomas Cooke
Nikolia Kartalou Brendan Owers
Deepak Menon
Hui Wei (Amanda) Leow Ibtihal Ramadan
Russell Harold Conyers
John Loewenthal Khaladdin Rzayev Osama Khattak
Kirstin McIlvaney Tobias Schwarz Shazia Parveen Sharif
Antonia (Toni) Mey Andrew Siddall Kim Lawrence Ah-See
Kirsteen (Kirsty) Murray Claire Smerdon Ikenna Gerald Isiekwe
Chris Ness Ye Dee Tay Joe Esland
Victoria Porley Alexander (Alex) Walker Andrew Paul Corley
Gail Robertson Yunjie Yang Beverley Yu
Lars Schewe Emma Balkind Shawati Mandal
Sally Till You-Ying Chau Othman Affan Bin Zuhir
Liesbeth Tip James Cumby Serena Patel
Chia-Ying (Annie) Yang Giulia De Tongi Sashiananthan Ganesananthan
Joyce Yau Caroline Dunford Martijn ‘t Hoen
Ingrid Young Carlos Augusto Ferreiro-Range Marieke Hoeve
Andrew (Gus) Fraser-Harris
Sarah Greenwood
Owen Kelly
David Lewis
Juan Lewis
Danielle Marlow
Elizabeth-Jane (Lizzy) Millen
Pawel Orzechowski
Agnese Sile
Stephen O’Neill
Manjit Cartlidge
Kuan Yoow (Chan) Chan
Danial Chitnis
Sarah Gregory
Yu-Hui Liao
Edward (Eddie) McCarthy
Zoi Michailidou
Louis Nolte
Courtney Stafford-Walter
Holly Tibble
Nan Yu
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)
EdTa Direct Applicants IntroAP Clinical Educator Programme
Daniel Peter Ameh Jocelyn Bisson Zachary Abrams Hani Abuelgasim
Camilo Ardila Arevalo Agnieszka Blaszyk Mostafa Ahmad Ross Archibald
Christopher Baird Dewi Borkent Hibbah Akhtar Manit Cartlidge
Justyna Bandola-Gill Laura Edwards Ammara Akram Clare Crichton
Elena Bernabeu Gómez Ana Feranandez Gallego Selva Athi Narayanan Peter Fernandes
Maaike Boswinkel Marisa Ferreira Kelsey Barnhill Edward Saxby
Faith Davies Marta Garcia Arce Karin Bosshard Zerihun Tefera
Isabella Deutsch Sonja Greil Zakary Campbell-Lochrie Chengyuan Zhang
Alice Diaz Charlotte Hewitt-Dedman Myria Christophini Njenga
Jon Eugster Diane Howard Amy Cools
Josh Fogg Fiona Kelly Rosalyn Falconer
Kamal Gadalla David McFarland Faraz Fazal
Stephanie Grohmann Kerry Melville Ben Fisher
Yuzhan Hang Yinka Opoola Lucy Forde
Emil Have Georgia Wilson Anastasia Fragkou
Riki Herliansyah Liam Wilson Matthew Hanna
Kathryn Jackson-Jones Nadia Jogee
Augustinas Jacovskis Anna Lively
Christina Lazaridou Man Sao Lo
Maria Lefter Graham MacKenzie
Stefania Lisai Nandini Manjunath
Samantha Lycett Tiago Marcos
Jillian Manner Daniela Mardones
Karla Vianey Palacios Ramirez Alicia Megia-Fernandez
Jess Rickenback Marina Moya Moreno
Riccardo Sacripante Sangwon Park
Ilaria Salerno Natalie Smith
Sebastian Schlegel Mejia Rahmat Ullah
Eva-Maria Schnelten Sarah van Eyndhoven
Heather Scott Qian Wang
Sowmya Sekizar Muhammad Waqas
Sofia Shan Christopher Wells
Rishikesh Sinha Yujun (June) Xu
Lydia Speyer Emma Yule
Greg Sutton Omar Abed
Jemima Tabeart Bianca Gori
Filip Taneski Catrin Wayland
Eike Thaysen Chase Ledin
Svenja Wagner Georgios Argyros
Mark Young Hashim Mude
Yue Yu Helena Slater
Filippo Zanetti Javiera Alfaro Chat
Carlos Zapata-Carratala Joanna Richardson
Ruomeng Zhu Joe Rossney
Mara Schmueckle
Margherita Scazza
Matthew Baines
Niamh Maher
Peter Hargreaves
Salvatore Barilla
Scott Bickle
Sinan Jabban
Yvonne Odey
Alexandra Jundler
Chiara Aquino
Chrystala Fakonti
Jenny QiaoPo
JP Fassnidge
Kamau Wairuri
Lisa Raeder
Mary Flook
Rowena Piers
Sarah Gregory
Victoria Turner
Allana Lewis
Cigdem Selli
Haris Hussain
James Mackay
Kevin Tipatet
Mehwish Sultan
Richard Kendall