Wednesday 28 June | Day 2 Please click on the title of each session to watch the recording. Keynote 2 Barbara Becnel | PhD Candidate, Social Justice Activist and Author, The University of Edinburgh “The Challenge of Reimagining Education: Getting Unstuck from Academic Traditions to Construct New Concepts Regarding Knowledge Production and Classroom Practice” Parallel Sessions 10:30-11:30 A1 A creative partnership for making learning futures (Jen Ross and Liv Laumenech) [Paper] B1 Postgraduate Healthcare Students Experiences of Peer Review (Jane Hislop and Kirstin Stuart James) [Paper] Interactive Learning Environment On-Line Preparation for Enhanced Confidence and Learning in Chemical Engineering Experimental Laboratories (Daniel Orejon Mantecon) [Short Talk] Senior Medical Students as Educators: A Qualitative Exploration of a new “Doctor as an Educator” course (Veronica Davey, David Kluth, William Cawley and Edward Foo) [Short Talk] C1 Educator experiences of teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic: evolving understandings of the teaching and learning environment (Celeste McLaughlin) [Paper] Evaluation of Chat Systems for Student Social Interaction During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Muminah Koleoso and Cristina Alexandru) [Short Talk] Evaluation of Video Conferencing Systems for Student Social Interaction During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Phoebe Mamalouka and Cristina Alexandru) [Short Talk] D1 Staff enactment of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and challenges in internationalised classrooms (Omolabake Fakunle, Mariel Deluna and Seongsook Choi) [Paper] Commuter Students, Living and Studying at Home and Engagement with the University (Sheila Riddell) [Short Talk] Feedback before marks, feedback instead of marks? (Itamar Kastner) [Short Talk] E1 Futures for our teaching spaces (Sian Bayne and Helen-Rose Wood) [Workshop] Parallel Sessions 11:45-12:45 A2 Creating mentally healthy classrooms – Place2Be and MHSES partnership (Sam Fawkner, Zoe Robertson, Kathleen Forbes and Catherine Henderson) [Storytelling] I sat, a solitary student, in a crowded University classroom. An open book and empty cup on the marble table-top (Neil Speirs and Gabriele Negro) [Storytelling] B2 Are We Having Fun Yet? – Creative play, practice and pedagogy (Dan Castro) [Paper] Using visual literacy strategies to support learning and deepen understanding (Isobel Finnie) [Storytelling] D2 Practical language work and reflective practice (Julie Larsen) [Paper] Using situated learning materials to support critical thinking for Chinese international master’s students (Julie Smith and Andrew Drybrough) [Short Talk] Supporting the Transition into Higher Education (HE) in Widening Participation (WP) Medical Students (Maha Arif) [Short Talk] E2 TICKET: Bringing Interculturality into the Curriculum (Randall Reinhard and Nicholas Hübner) [Workshop] Parallel Sessions 13:30-14:30 A3 Feedback on Feedback: Student Reflections on Student-Staff Partnerships (Aryan Jagtap, Boryana Ivanova, Chenchen Zha, and Tomris Guluzade) [Storytelling] Mathematics Outreach Projects – Sharing our passion for learning with local communities (Francesca Iezzi, Edward Solomon and Ruby David-Jekyll) [Short Talk] Embedding data-led teacher reflection into professional development (Anna Wood) [Short Talk] B3 Thinking Ethically, Researching Mindfully: A wrap-around educational intervention approach to supporting research ethics in dissertation projects (Su Goopy) [Paper] Compassion and Empathy in Work and Life: A short online course for University of Edinburgh participants (students and staff) (Joanna Alexjuk, Lilli Clark and Pam Smith) [Paper] C3 “Reviewing the Literature”: the development of a research-informed course (Cathy Benson) [Paper] How is data analysis taught among disciplines within life sciences? (Crispin Jordan) [Short Talk] ‘Through the patient’s eyes’: using virtual reality to teach empathy to nursing and medical students (Vicki McCorkell) [Short Talk] D3 SLICCs – a flexible, ready-to-go approach for getting ‘experiential’ into the curriculum (Simon Riley and Gavin McCabe) [Paper] Our sustainable campus: piloting an interactive self-guided building tour in an undergraduate architecture technology course (W. Victoria Lee) [Short Talk] Towards Changing Attitudes and Developing Teamwork Skills in a Computer Science Course (Cristina Alexandru) [Short Talk] E3 The Informatics Tutoring Network: Rolling out across the University (Fiona McNeilland Kasia Kokowska) [Workshop] Parallel Sessions 14:45-15:45 A4 OpenAI’s GPT-3 and ChatGPT: preempting the enemy by making it an ally in critical algorithm studies (Vassilis Galanos) [Paper] Adding interactivity in mathematics online workbooks using JSXGraph in STACK (Konstantina Zerva) [Short Talk] An ‘open secret’: Is it time to engage more with our international students regarding their use of machine translation? (Alan Kean) [Short Talk] B4 Improving accessibility of teaching materials (Karen Howie and Tracey Madden) [Paper] C4 The Role of Personal Vision in the Learning and Teaching Process (Murray Craig, Mike Jess, Paul McMillan and Karen Munro) [Paper] Using reflective portfolios with first year biology students (Alison Cullinane) [Short Talk] D4 Planning engaging video content to transform your course (Geoff Fortescue and Andrés Ordorica) [Workshop] E4 Propositions for a ‘hybrid’ future: interdisciplinary autoethnographic research on inclusive and innovative learning spaces in higher education (Do Coyle, Jonathan Hancock, Wendy Timmons, Janet de Vigne, Heidi Smith, Murray Craig, ML White, Juan Jose Miranda and Anya Clayworth) [Workshop] Parallel Sessions 16:00-16:30 A5 Sensing in the Community – Community Based Research in the Curriculum (Stewart Smith and Helen Szoor-McElhinney) [Panel] B5 Developing a field-based methodology for learning and teaching in the contemporary city: A conversation across disciplines (David Overend, Dan Swanton, Suzanne Ewing, Zhi Kang Chua and Deirdre Macleod) [Panel] C5 Edinburgh Futures Institute – fusion teaching model success and challenges (Patrycja Mitrut (Chair), Simon Riley, Kate Orton-Johnson, Alexandra Huang and Theresa Boersma) [Panel] D5 Glottal yoga: a practice-based approach to learning phonetics (Rebekka Puderbaugh) [Workshop] E5 Open Digital Badges: Build a Badge Workshop (Delia Georgescu and Tracey Madden) [Workshop] Conference Closing Panel “Experiential, Collaborative and Contemplative Pedagogies for Innovative Curriculum Themes: Environmental Sustainability, Wellbeing, and Wicked Problems” Panellists: Lucy Patterson, Mark Hoelterhoff, Andy Cross, Beth Christie, Isla Miller, Laura Noctor-King and Jo Archibald Aug 4, 2022