Keynote 2: Dr Irma Meijerman, Principal Fellow of the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning, Utrecht University
“Supporting inquiry into student learning: the hands-on Utrecht Roadmap for SoTL (UR-SoTL)”
In the past decades universities have been working to strengthen knowledge sharing and inquiry into teaching and learning practices. A way to approach this is through engaging academic teachers with a systematic, evidence-informed approach of their teaching, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). After a short exploration of SoTL, its principles and benefits, the SoTL efforts at Utrecht University will be described, with an emphasis on the development of a supportive tool – the Utrecht Roadmap for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (UR-SoTL). The unique feature of the roadmap, the integration of the research cycle of SoTL with the so-called ‘CIMO’ logic method, and its usefulness for first-time SoTL-practitioners, will be explained.