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学園祭ブログ( group 5 1st years )

Gakuen-sai Blog | 学園祭ブログ

カイ・マクレイン | アンバー・ロース・ウォン | ジェナ・マクイン



For the Gakuensai, we decided to make a cafe with a blend of both Japanese and Western culture. Since our theme is matcha, we decided to make some of the snacks matcha flavored, and have hot green tea for drinking. Also, we made some hand illustrated bookmarks.



When we interviewed the Japanese students, they told us that Gakuen-sai usually happens during Autumn. We celebrated our Gakuen-sai during Spring. Japanese Gakuen-sai is usually held outside, but we held our Scottish Gakuen-sai inside because it was raining.




One week before gakuensai, we started to prepare our materials. The second years made snacks and the first years made posters and decorations as well as tea and bookmarks. The menu was drawn digitally with cute animals and characters. And for the bookmarks, they were hand drawn beautifully with traditional calligraphy pens, with the theme being “nature”. To make the stall look more Japanese, we made lots of sakura blossoms out of tissue paper. However, it was also the midterm period for the semester, and everyone was busy with assignments and tests. Therefore, between both commitments, we were all very busy. 




On the day of the gakuensai, we brought all the things that everyone made. The homemade sweets looked delicious and the bookmarks were beautiful. The customers were very pleased with our products. Our stall was truly beautiful. It was decorated with the handmade cherry blossoms and the things we bought at the charity shop and we also brought a bumblebee tablecloth which made it look even more adorable. To give our customers a more in depth experience of Japanese culture, we brought a kendama which is a Japanese children’s toy where you catch a ball on a wooden mallet. If they managed to catch the ball just 1 out of 3 tries, they would get a prize. It all went very smoothly but one drawback was that the tea didn’t sell well at all because it was too hot to carry around. But in the end, it all went well and it was a success.





Compared to the gakuensai in Japan, ours was of course not as well organized. In Japanese universities, gakuensai is one of their most important events, students start preparing one or two months in advance and school clubs put on various performances. However, our gakuensai was indoors and because of the pandemic,  not many people came. But, both are enjoyable. 





To sum up, the Gakuensai was successful. From preparation to the making process, our team put a lot of effort into it.


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