Piazza is the School’s recommended platform for course discussions. It is integrated with Learn.
Important: from the summer 2023, the task of setting up course Piazza pages through Learn will be taken over by the ILTS / ITO, rather than being the responsibility of course teaching teams. If you are a member of teaching staff, please contact the Course Secretary to ask them to do this for your course, if it has not been done already.
All course Piazza classes should be set up using the LTI integration in Learn to Piazza. This ensures that the Piazza class will be set up officially within the University of Edinburgh license. Additionally anyone enrolled on your Learn course (Students and Instructors) will have an easier approach to enrolling into your Piazza class.
Please note that, by default, accessing Piazza from Learn will add all users with their email address in the UUN@ed.ac.uk format. If you already have a Piazza account with a different email address or alias, please see the instructions from Piazza about how to add an email address or merge two accounts. (Please note that if you choose to merge your accounts, all data associated with the secondary account(s) will be lost.)