Careers Month: Career Decision-making

According to some researchers, we make 10s of 1000s of decisions every day.  What to have for breakfast, which route to take to work; turning left or right around the person blocking you on the pavement; reply to this email now…or later; move this sentence in your abstract up, or down or delete it; apply for career progression this year, or next year. Our days are filled with choices of varying scale and significance.  The more significant decisions feel – rarity, number of variables, emotional investment, etc. – the more challenging it can be for us to confidently make decisions.  Decisions about our careers are often amongst these significant, challenging decisions.

Join our 45-minute online briefing session on Wednesday 5th of June. We’ll cover the most common causes of career indecision, ways to tackle them, and explore tools that can help you evaluate variables and factors important to you in your life and career, and help you make more confident career decisions. Book now:

Trainer: Darcey Gillie




This activity has been developed by The Institute for Academic Development to improve the University of Edinburgh research cultures as part of the University’s research cultures action plan.

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