UKRI Resume Resource Library for Narrative CVs

You have probably heard the term “Narrative CV” by now. An increasing number of funding bodies are requesting this type of CV for their application processes.

UKRI has been instrumental in driving change in the sector and encouraging the adoption of this type of CV. But what IS the Narrative CV I hear you cry!? The UKRI Resume for Research and innovation (R4RI) is a flexible narrative CV template, which is designed to help evidence a wide range of skills and experience compared to a traditional academic CV. There is space to explain the context of your achievements. It’s format allows you to present a fuller picture to the recruiter of your experience, skills and achievements and most importantly WHY it’s relevant to them. In a typical academic CV this is the part that researchers often don’t focus on enough is ‘why’ their experience is important and the impact that it has made. I often ask people to try and give facts and figures “to back up their level of responsibility” in an effort for them to emphasise the relevance of the experience.

But how can I write a Narrative CV?

UKRI has been working with members of the sector for over the past year (including other funding bodies, academics, professional service staff, professional organisations and industry bodies) to implement guidance on how to create and use a narrative CV.

See the Funding uses Resume Resources Library for Applicant Guidance and Narrative CV templates. You will also be able to see advice given to funding organisations what to include within their application process.

For more detailed resources on what to include within a narrative CV don’t forget to view the IAD Narrative CVs webpage.

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