(*of researcher development at The University of Edinburgh.)
I wrote a few weeks ago about the importance of the Research Staff Survey. This morning the survey opened and I’m delighted to see that we’re already getting responses from colleagues. It would be great to hear from as many of you as possible and for you to tell us honestly about your experiences as a researcher here. The survey is your opportunity to tell us about your working conditions, careers aspirations and development opportunities. It takes around 20 minutes to complete, is anonymous and can be saved part way through if you can’t complete it in one sitting.
All research staff should have received an email today, sent on behalf of Professor Jeremy Bradshaw, informing you that the Research Staff Survey is now live at the University of Edinburgh until the 10th May 2017. If you haven’t had this and think that you are eligible (you are a member of research staff, and employed primarily to conduct research) please let me know. If you are a research leader or principal investigator, you should have received a link to a different survey – again, it’s really important to us that you complete this so if you haven’t had an email from IAD.Researchers@ed.ac.uk this morning, please let us know.
The results of the surveys will have a direct influence on the strategy for researcher development here in IAD. There is a high level commitment to the survey and to listening to the messages that it generates. Although we always pay attention to feedback and suggestions, it’s fair to say that this one comes with an “amplifying effect” as we will use it to generate reports to senior management and use it as evidence for policies related to research and researchers in the University. Don’t let these decisions happen without your input.
A heartfelt thanks to all our researchers who complete the survey and I hope that you gain satisfaction as you see the impact of your influence in the next year or so . You have a voice today, please use it!