Part 17 on Geology, Politics, Philosophy: Nurture? Nature? Or Nietzsche? – How does a geological understanding of the world change our perspective on our place in the world?

The Topic Idea
Jordan Peterson and Slavoi Zizek ask interesting questions about how we see and engage with nature. Jordan Peterson divides it up into the tyrant of culture versus the tyrant of nature. Zizek argues that our view of nature is done with the lens of ideology.

Earth from space
Interesting video on the subject
Part 17 on Geology, Politics, Philosophy: Nurture? Nature? Or Nietzsche? – How does a geological understanding of the world change our perspective on our place in the world? / Working & Learning at the University of Edinburgh - Student Ambassador, Geologist, Red Lichtie by blogadmin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0
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