A massive thank you to Paul Ewing, Simon Jung and the rest of the staff of the School of GeoSciences

I finished 5 years of my education at the University of Edinburgh, School of GeoSciences. It was great fun. I learnt a lot and expanded my mind. I had a lot of excellent help from 100s of people, from the SDS department to the School of GeoSciences. I started my journey at Arbroath High School with Mr Ewing’s geology class. My passion for geology continued onward towards the University of Edinburgh where I studied BSc Geology for 5 years. It helped me to realize my autism and my dyslexia. The two people who I would like to thank, are bellow:
Secondary School Teacher Mr Paul Ewing
Mr Ewing introduced the science of geology to me. In secondary school I attended his geology class. He was quite passionate about the subject, as he introduced to us the different disciplines of the subject of geosciences. We learnt about how earthquakes are measured, how volcanoes control the climate, and how since the age of ancients, we have tried to understand the movements of our planet along with the heavenly bodies above us. Mr Ewing was an excellent mentor who got me into the University of Edinburgh!
From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank Mr Ewing for all the amazing work he did for me!
I am gathering together the alumni of Mr Ewing. I am laying the foundations of the Paul Ewing GeoSciences Society by setting up links with the local geology societies and trusts.
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paul_Ewing_GeoSci_Soc/
LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8979619/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SocietyPaul
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PaulEwingGeoSciencesSociety
I coordinate the activities of the society. I help to arrange events, put alumni of Paul Ewing in touch with each other and help promote Scottish geology to the wider public in Angus County, especially in secondary schools.
This society is dedicated to honoring the lifetime work and achievements of Paul Ewing, geology teacher at Arbroath High School. He inspired 100s of students into the scientific field of geology and the wider geosciences. This society aims to inspire 100s more! Its current focus is on Angus County, the Mearns and the City of Dundee.
We have partnered with the Scottish Geology Trust:
The purpose of this charity lies with recognition of the value of geology to society as a whole and education in the earth sciences. The Scottish Geology Trust will be the only group acting for geosciences across all of Scotland and across industry, education and conservation.
AHS supporting Poppy Scotland. Thank you to pupils, parents, carers and staff who supported our collection for Poppy Scotland today dedicated with gratitude and thanks to all who gave their lives, served and serve us. https://t.co/Z0EWqsi3LI
— Arbroath High School (@ArbroathHigh) November 4, 2020
Personal Tutor Dr Simon Jung
I got further help at the University of Edinburgh! I had a really kind professor who became my personal tutor. Dr Simon Jung. He gave me advice on how to succeed at university. He helped me through the field trips. He helped me to finish my dissertation.
Simon was my personal tutor at the university. He went above and beyond to help me in making sure that I succeeded at university. My big thank you to Simon!
Simon lectured me in Oceanography. He was a good lecturer with a passion for the subject. He employed a lot of illustrations and animation in his lectures to explain to us for example how global ocean currents worked. His practicals were fun and engaging.
Thank you! You helped me through!
Thank you for sharing this photo with us @PollyThompson94 it's great to see our students out in the field! 🙌These 4th year Geography students should have been in Iceland, but due to Covid-19 this trip has been replaced by 3 local field trips in Scotland instead… (1/4) https://t.co/t0N1s0utYW
— School of GeoSciences @ University of Edinburgh (@GeosciencesEd) November 9, 2020
Being a Student Ambassador and Student Outreach Volunteer at the University of Edinburgh. pic.twitter.com/jbOp0Ax4Ls
— Hunor Deak (@Hunor10) November 10, 2020
— Hunor Deak (@Hunor10) September 25, 2020
The rest of the team at the School of GeoSciences
I wouldn’t have been able to succeed without people like Geoff, Gillian, Florian and Godfrey. They provided so much help! They helped me to lay my academic foundations and gain confidence in the field. Massive thank you to them!
Good mentors are very important for the students!
Prof Alastair teaching us geology in the field! @CockburnGeol @GBromiley pic.twitter.com/CkJbXdh70P
— Hunor Deak (@Hunor10) September 28, 2020

Hunor Deak in Romania
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