My Job as a Student Ambassador

What do I do as a Student Ambassador?
I am a Student Ambassador with the University of Edinburgh. My job is to give tours of the university to visitors, prospective students and to anybody who is interested in the university. I mostly work for the department of Student Recruitment and Admissions and for Edinburgh Global, but I can be contracted by any department of the university. I am expected to help out on Open Days, School Visits, Alumni Events, teacher training sessions and on visits from International Delegations of other Universities.
On Open Days I give out leaflets, show people around the campus and just make them feel in general comfortable around the university.
In some cases I go on Schools visits either with my department of the School of Geosciences or the general student recruitment team.

Hunor Deak with fellow Student Ambassadors greeting the newly graduated students!
Being a Student Ambassador is a real job with real pay. I even have a LinkedIn entry on it!
I conduct university tours around the Central Campus/King’s Buildings, do office work, take part in student Q&A sessions, help with student support staff training, represent the university on school visits and help to organise/run university Open Days. I work for the Student Recruitment & Admissions, Edinburgh Global and Go Abroad Edinburgh.
Student Ambassadors are the face of the University of Edinburgh to prospective students, their parents/carers and teachers/advisers. The Student Ambassador team consists of 75 students, both UG and PG, from a range of Schools, Colleges, backgrounds and nationalities. The scheme is primarily designed to support the work of the Student Recruitment and Admissions Team and Edinburgh Global, however, from time to time Student Ambassadors have the opportunity to work for a range of other departments from around the University.

Hunor Deak and Ozioma Kamalu at the Graduation Ceremony
The Amazing Feeling of being a Student Ambassador
This is the official spiel. Looked over by university officials and decided in advance. To be honest I don’t really like this description, as it removes the honesty from my work.
In reality being a student ambassador is so much more than a job! It is a gift and an experience.
I get to work with a diverse range of people, and a diverse age range of people. I showed Primary school pupils around Appleton Tower, I introduced Scottish food to new students from around the globe and helped run an event at St Cecilia’s Hall for the old Alumni who graduated with the university 40-50 years ago. As a Student Ambassador I met such a nice number of people.
I worked under the wings of so many interesting university leaders as well.
Through the scheme I met so many fellow Student Ambassadors, that if I would have a thousand hands with hundreds of fingers I wouldn’t be able to count them! I met people from St. Petersburg, Florida, Vienna, the Netherlands, south California. I saw a wide range of departments from helping to host a music night to the alumni at St Cecilia’s Hall to handing out goodie bags to the newly graduated students of the University. I have done everything from office work for ERASMUS+ to waste management and moving boxes in the dungeons.
Being a Student Ambassador helped to improve my speaking skills, trained me to work better as a member of a group and gave me a greater range of confidence.

It is great being a Geologist! – Hunor Deak
Why the University is a Wonderful place to Study at!
The University of Edinburgh is an ancient Scottish institution that educated the great Men of the Scottish Enlightenment, revolutionised the world of science and produced global leaders.
The university is a warm and welcoming place where I built up lots of skills for employment.
Step into the world that is the University of Edinburgh!
A familiar concept – reminds me of my days as a ‘red shirt’.