Fourth Year University with Hunor Deak

I attended a weekend geology field excursion as part of the course: Evolution of the Modern Earth and Cyprus Excursion for Geologists (EASC10120). I visited the area around Ballantrae. I studied mass scale folding, deep sea sediments, pillow lavas and deep crustal igneous rocks.
The aims of the field trip were to improve our note taking skills and have us learn more about ophiolites.

Hunor Deak public outreach
I undertook in lots of university outreach! As part of a team I helped to run different workshops demonstrating geological processes and the university’s research to the public. I participated in venues like the Volcano Day at Holyrood Park, STEM Learning & Teaching Day at the Hudson Beare Building (KB), Midlothian Science Festival and university Open Days at King’s Buildings. This volunteering job allowed me to work with children of all ages and with prospective students.
I took part in computer mapping using OpenStreetMap with other university students at the School of GeoSciences. The events were called Mapathons and were usually held in the evening. This volunteering job allowed me to meet students experienced with GIS software and learn about natural disasters around the world.

Crystal structure
I am helping Spotlight Mining plan a geology mining field trip to Romania involving multiple mining sites and multiple European guest groups.
Mining is thoroughly misunderstood by many and there are too few people working to communicate this in modern and accessible formats, there are even less people doing it with suitable qualifications and with honest referencing and bias declarations about their investments and motives for writing.
Liam, Teejo, Sam and Chris founded Spotlight Mining with the single goal of communicating economic geology and technical mineral exploration data honestly and at an accessible level to all.
Today Spotlight are a team of 12 enthusiastic mining and media professionals working globally in 7 languages. Our media team retain journalistic freedom as long as they continue to fact-check and reference their productions. Our technical writers all hold an MSc (or above) in a mining related subject, or significant work experience. Our Founder Liam invests personally into our corporate partners and refuses to pump/promote or support any companies he wouldn’t invest in himself. Quite the opposite, he remains outspoken against such abuses of investor trust.
We have grown, but our goal of providing a wider audience with zero BS assessments of junior mining projects in terms of their team, resource potential and ESG management has only strengthened.
To honour our rootes, we have kept our original ‘Spotlight Finland’ logo design. We may be growing, but we won’t forget where we came from and the friends who got us here. To all of you lovely people who’ve been part of the Spotlight adventure, our heartfelt thanks and support will always be yours.

Hunor Deak in Stonehaven
My job was to stand in when the receptionists were away for training, meetings or partner university visits. I welcomed the visitors at reception for Student Recruitment & Admissions (SRA) and Edinburgh Global (EG). I answered the phones and directed the calls to the right departments. I collected packages and letters sent through the mail. I ordered office supplies when the stocks were down. I provided leaflets, prospectuses and information for visitors. I answered emails and helped manage bookings.

Hunor Deak in Romania
I represented the 4th year geology students at the School of GeoSciences. This role involved obtaining feedback which was presented at the Staff-Student Liaison Committee which in turn was used to improve courses or facilitate the needs of the students. This position required me to closely work together with the Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA), the student union of the university.
I took part in the Teaching Programme Review of the School of GeoSciences through the Staff Student Liaison Committee by identifying key themes and suggesting ideas on how to improve student experience. As part of the review I took part in a 1.5 hour long discussion with External Panel Members from other universities and departments.

Hunor Deak in Edinburgh
I wrote a series of blogs about the geology seminars I attended. Overall I attended 15 different seminars on topics such as planetary geochemistry, global warming induced forest fires in the Amazon basin, satellite photography and various other geoscience topics.

Hunor Deak in the Courier Newspaper
I conducted university tours around the Central Campus/King’s Buildings, did office work, took part in student Q&A sessions, helped with student support staff training, represented the university on school visits and helped to organise/run university Open Days. I worked for the Student Recruitment & Admissions, Edinburgh Global and Go Abroad Edinburgh.
Student Ambassadors are the face of the University of Edinburgh to prospective students, their parents/carers and teachers/advisers. The Student Ambassador team consists of 75 students, both UG and PG, from a range of Schools, Colleges, backgrounds and nationalities. The scheme is primarily designed to support the work of the Student Recruitment and Admissions Team and Edinburgh Global, however, from time to time Student Ambassadors have the opportunity to work for a range of other departments from around the University.

Calls for Angus Council to embrace the Dark Side and erect a statue to Star Wars evil Emperor Palpatine, Picture shows, Hunor Deak with Star Wars Model, 07 September 2019
I undertook several hours of training with the Student Association to build my skills in running a student society. I learnt about management, working as part of a team and utilizing new technologies when planning events.
– Project Management for EUSA Student Leaders
– Digital Skills
– Under the Microscope: Disability Policy at the University
– Fundraising Workshop
Inspirational Song:
There is a group of geologists who formed a band: The Amoeba People. They have lots of fun songs!
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