How to be a citizen scientist

So you want to become a citizen scientist? Today is your lucky day!
Here are a few ways YOU can become a citizen scientist…
1. Mammal Net
Watch hours and hours of secret animal footage on Mammal Net. You can contribute to mammal monitoring across Europe.
2. Nature Scot’s Grassland Project
Help locate and protect Scotland’s remaining fragments of species-rich grasslands as part of the Nature Scot Grassland Project.
3. Herbaria@Home
Digitise the information from the collections of wild plants held by museums and universities in the UK and beyond with Herbaria@Home.
4. Penguin Watch
Count penguin adults, chicks and eggs in far away lands to help us understand their lives and environment with Penguin Watch!
5. Seabird Watch
Help monitor seabird populations by tagging time-lapse images. Right now, you can count kittiwakes!
Out and about
1. National Moth Recording Scheme
Record and report moths to contribute to the understanding of how they are faring across the UK with the National Moth Recording Scheme.
National Moth Recording Scheme | Butterfly Conservation (
2. Urban Flora of Scotland
Record flowering plants, ferns, mosses, liverworths, lichens, fungi and algae growing anywhere within the your town or city with Urban Flora of Scotland. Just look at the pavement and you’ll be a scientist!
3. UK Bettle Recording
Did you know there at 18 beetle recording schemes to choose from? Choose your favourite group and help to understand their occurrence around the country!
UK Beetle Recording | UK Beetle Recording (
4. Nature’s Calendar
Track the effects of weather and climate change on wildlife near you by reporting what you see with Nature’s Calendar.
Nature’s Calendar (
5. Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels
Report sightings of both red and grey squirrels to help us understand where they are located!
At the beach
1. The Big Seaweed Search
Record living seaweeds that you find at the seashore to help monitor the effects of environmental change on Britain’s sea life with Big Seaweed Search!
2. The Great Nurdle Hunt
Search for and record nurdles (small plastic pellets that can be mistaken for food by marine organisms) with The Great Nurdle Hunt. Pop them in the bin once you’ve found and recorded them.
The Great Nurdle Hunt, Reducing plastic pellet pollution at sea.
3. Great Eggcase Hunt
Submit sightings of shark and ray eggcases (also known as mermaid purses) with the Great Eggcase Hunt.
Shark Trust Great Eggcase Hunt
4. Shoresearch
Identify and record the wildlife on the shores across the UK to help better understand the effects of pollution, climate change and invasive species with Shoresearch.
Shoresearch | The Wildlife Trusts
5. Beachwatch
Clean and record litter from beaches to campaign for a healthier and cleaner ocean.
Beach cleans | What you can do | Marine Conservation Society (
In the garden
1. Garden Dragon Watch
Monitor lizards and amphibians in your garden to help with their conservation.
Garden Dragon Watch | Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (
2. Garden Butterfly Survey
Record and report butterflies to contribute to the understanding of how they are faring in gardens across the UK.
Home | Garden Butterfly Survey
3. Living with mammals
Record the mammals that you see each week and any signs they leave behind – like droppings or footprints.
Living with Mammals survey – People’s Trust for Endangered Species (
4. UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme
Spend ten minutes counting pollinators to contribute to a Flower-Insect Timed Count (FIT Count).
Welcome to the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (PoMS) | PoMS (
5. Rainfall Observers
Contribute to the national rainfall network to accurately capture the distribution of rainfall across Scotland.
Rainfall Observers | CS Portal site (