Year: 2021
I’m Ali and I’m a Recruitment Coordinator for Generation Scotland. I work within the communications team. The main focus of my role is communications; how we engage with existing volunteers, recruit new volunteers, build relationships in communities and promote Generation Scotland and our work. Some days I might be workshopping the vision and mission of […]
Since ancient times, the 1st of May or May Day (Beltane in Scotland), has marked the transition from Spring to Summer. As a student in Edinburgh in the 1970’s, it meant climbing Arthur’s Seat and washing your face in the morning dew, and perhaps missing a few lectures later. While May 2020 gave us little […]
The UK entered lockdown on 23rd March, 2020. The first anniversary of that day was one for sober reflection. But as vaccination has brought COVID-19 case numbers way down, it’s appropriate to send out a Happy Easter message to all. Yes, it will once again be a ‘stay at home’ Easter, but hopefully the last. […]
Winter is in the past and Spring is nearly with us. The bulbs and leafing trees tell us so. There are reasons to feel a spring in our step. Pupils are heading back to school! The UK-wide rollout of the vaccine is going remarkably well. We have passed 20 million adults getting their first dose. […]
At the start of 2021, I was reminding myself of this time last year. There was awareness of a novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. Who could have imagined that it would sweep across the globe and dominate all of our lives from March onwards? Sadly and tragically, we have just passed 100,000 COVID deaths in […]
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