Join us online on June 1, 15:00 (UK time) for RAD Lab Talk by DCODE PhD Researcher Robert Collins titled “Repairing Interactions: Everything Is Broken And That Is OK.”
In this talk Robert Collins will be sharing his research into designing for contestable systems – making spaces for response-ability in our interactions with data-driven systems (AI, algorithms, etc.) and for taking responsibility in how we engage with technology in an era of entanglement. Coming from a background of fixing and anarchistic self-organisation, he takes an anti-solutionist approach of viewing unsatisfactory interactions as broken and seeing this as a constructive and progressive way of opening up the digital and the abstract to repair.
To this end, Robert is taking inspiration from the Right to Repair movement and community-based models like the Repair Café to imagine an agonistic design approach which embeds the tools and affordances required to fix the future.
👉 Register here.
Related links:
– Robert Collins’ paper on The Contestation Cafe
– RAD Lab Fixing the Future Project