New Features in Digimap Roam

Measurement Tools:

Digimap Roam has new measurement tools that allow you to easily check the distance between two or more points and find out the area of a polygon you draw on the map.

Click on the Digimap Roam Measurement Tools Icon icon above the map to activate the tools.  Select Distance or Area then start clicking on the map to define your line or polygon; use a double click to finish.

Digimap Roam Measuring Tools
The new measurement tools in Digimap Roam

New Local Plus View:

Digimap Roam has also got a new zoom level to go with the measurement tools, bringing the total to 13.  The view, called Local Plus, is a more zoomed out view of the 1:50,000 colour raster maps found in the Local view. The image above uses this new view as well as the measurement tools.

The Local Plus view prints at 1:40,000 compared to 1:20,000 for the Local view.