We have developed three ArcGIS storymaps to accompany our project outputs. These were co-developed by the research team and explore and examine some of the key findings from the three case study sites:
Karunarathna, D., Crowley, K., and Jackson, R., 2022. Climate Story Telling in Sri Lanka Available at https://arcg.is/1viuT4
Retnowati, A., Anantasari, E and Crowley. K., 2022. Kali Code: Heritage landscapes in Indonesia Available at https://arcg.is/1Hr0Dj
O’Connell, S., Niemand, D., and Jackson, R., 2022. Elandskloof: A chronology of loss Available at https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/aa83c390a22e44598222b7b3515719cf