As the CRITICAL project starts to wrap up we are so excited to begin sharing some of our project outputs. The teams around the world are busy writing up reports and papers, which we hope to share in due course. We are also pulling together a policy paper that came together from our wonderful multi-stakeholder workshop back in March. There are some strong messages coming through such as:
- Heritage as processual – influenced by socio-economic change as well as environmental stressors.
- Heritage as a research and engagement tool – highlighting the need for more creative and local level methods for discussing vulnerability and capacity at a local level
- Heritage as adaptation and vulnerability influencers – highlighting that heritage can be part of a local people’s vulnerability and capacity for climate change adaptation and is a crucial component in resilience building
We have also started to look ahead towards future work incorporating action research with local people. We would love to move towards testing out the ideas that have come from this work with those who live in exposed and vulnerable locations around the world. Over the next few weeks we will share out storymaps, and final reports. We have really enjoyed the journey and hope to continue exploring climate change adaptation through a heritage lens.