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Staff and student blogs for our connected learning community

Search results for: associate chaplain urzula glienecke

"That Disturbing Element": Angel-Mother As Mermaid in J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan

In this blogpost, Rosaleen Nolan shines a light into the darker corners of one of the most beloved nurseries in children’s literature…   “Wendy has not yet appeared, but she has been trying to come ever since that loyal nurse cast the humorous shadow of woman upon the scene and made us feel that it […]

Sprint 2: Open Toolkits | Week 3:  Open & Modding

Sprint 2: Open Toolkits Week 3:  Learning Module on ‘Open & Modding’ Prof Neil Mulholland This short learning module will provide you with a few tools to investigate the open paradigm and the practices of teaching and making contemporary art ‘in the open’. It also offers a semi-structured reading process that you can follow on […]

Natural Flood Management Seminar by Dr Ian Pattison

Seminar Natural Flood Management in England Dr Ian Pattison Dr Ian Pattison is an Associate Professor at the School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society at Heriot-Watt University. Dr Ian spends a large amount of his research time in the field and around rural farms around the United Kingdom. He is interested in hydro geology […]


Call for Submissions In/Between is a forthcoming practice-based journal conceived, led and run by our MSc and PhD Intermediality students! Submissions for the first issue are still open!! DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 31 AUGUST Click on the image below for further details, or here to access the full CFS and to follow In/Between across social media. […]


All issues of Art in Translation are available at Taylor & Francis Online Volume 15, Issue 3, 2023. Latin American Art. Migration and Reception Abdias do Nascimento, “Culture and Aesthetics at the Museum of Black Art,” translated from Portuguese by Alban Mills and Rosane Carneiro Ramos. Originally published as “Cultura e estética no Museu de Arte Negra,” […]

Naming paragraphs as part of the writing process

In my quest to expose the writing process I have structured this paper using named paragraphs. Each paragraph has a title showing the purpose it performs as part of the overall paper structure. This should help putting the paper together as a coherent argument, showing how each bit adds to the whole. Here we go: […]

Wikimedia at the LILAC Information Literacy Conference 2019

I attended the 2019 LILAC Information Literacy Conference (Twitter hashtag: #LILAC19) at the University of Nottingham on 24-26 April 2019 with my Academic Support Librarian colleague, Donna Watson. This was my first visit to this conference and I was unsure what to expect and to what extent information professionals attending the conference would welcome and […]

Tayto to Tayto

Tayto et Tayto are widely regarded for their ontolactic discourse. The texts that follow in this reader are among the most well known of their theoretical disputes and merit further scrutiny. Before I can focus on the ignorance that abounds in Tayto et Tayto’s jibes, I must qualify Tayto et Tayto’s character, its sources, and […]

Seeing Voyeurism in Hitchcock's Films

由精神分析学中的偷窥理论看希区柯克电影中的偷窥文化 Hitchcock and his unique style have occupied an important place in the history of Hollywood films and even the history of the world cinema at large 希区柯克以及其独特风格的“希区柯克式电影”在好莱坞电影史,乃至整个世界电影的历史上,都占据了一席重要之地。这位出生于英国,成名于英国,同时又在美国大放异彩的电影导演,已经超越了地域的界限,一跃成为世界电影史上最伟大的导演之一。希区柯克从影近六十多年来,拍摄制作了超过六十部作品,他的作品跨越了从无声电影到有声电影,从黑白电影到彩色电影的各个时期,并且形成了独具特色的“希区柯克式”电影风格,被外界誉为“作者导演”的先驱。尽管他的时代已经距离我们十分遥远,但他的电影却永远都不过时,即使放在现在来看,观众也会为他影片中环环相扣、跌宕起伏的情节所折服,而希区柯克电影艺术的最大特点是,他将“悬念”有机巧妙地融入到电影的叙事情节之中,他本人也因之被称为“悬念大师希区柯克”。 This film director was born and gained his reputation in the United Kingdom, later embraced his golden age in the United States. He was recognized as one […]


Ballinger, A. P., Schurer, A. P., O’Reilly, C. H. & Hegerl, G. C. (2023): The Importance of Accounting for the North Atlantic Oscillation When Applying Observational Constraints to European Climate Projections. Geophysical Research Letters. 50, 16, e2023GL103431. Yule, E., Hegerl, G., Schurer, A. & Hawkins, E. (2023):  Using Early Extremes to place the 2022 UK […]


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