
Looking ‘female Value’  I wanted to find a way to calculate monotal value, looking at sex work had to many variables to consider. Instead, I looked at meat market value. I found a butcher price list and calculated my body weight into the value of varied butcher meats. used meat as a medium, created videos/images and applied paint with meat.

During my research, I read  ‘Woman in the Picture: What Culture Does with Female Bodies’ by Catharine McCormack, the author covers stories of Sailors masturbating over the statue of Venus. I took inspiration to investigate statues – I asked permission to put meat on the cast within ECA but this was not granted. Instead, I used Photoshop to alert statues and pose myself.

Intermedia living is a creative act

 ‘DIY Film School’ and ‘Premier Pro’ I learned filming and photo editing skills. Experimenting with cutting scenes together, layering images and sounds.

I investigated artwork based on everyday living and domesticity. with The Film ‘Jeanne Dielman, 23 quad du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles’ directed by Chantal Akerman and work by artist Tessa Lynch.

Visiting ‘Women in Revolt 1970-1990’ exhibition came across ‘women and work’. Margaret Harrison, Kay Hunt, Mary Kelly documentation and photographs of women who worked in the metal box company between 1973-75 detailing the working woman’s days.  I wondered how this day would look against my own modern life, influencing me to create videos based on everyday objects and routines. I experimented with combining different frame speeds, images, text and layering sounds.


Light as an expressive medium

I investigated artist who combined text and lighting- Nathan Coley’s outdoor light installation and Tracey Emin’s Neons. I planned to create an object which I could project words from. Doing this I Created sketches and prototypes of models to experiment with wording, If it should be read from the sculpture or as a projection, what words to use and positioning.

I experimented with materials to build with, clay, cardboard, and metal.