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Film and TV 1C: Introduction to a Film Set (2023-2024)[SEM2]

Month: April 2024

Week 11

For Waiting for Marcus, Sára asked me to post a few of the BTS photos with a caption saying that we had wrapped and were going to be getting back to more regular posting, so I put that together and posted it on Monday, and reposted it on our story. I have attached it below. I continued working on the Indiegogo, adding in and formatting the information we wanted, such as the rewards for donating and the cast and crew bios. I made a list of everything I needed from Sára to complete the indiegogo, which included choosing which photos she wanted advertised on the page, deciding whether she wanted to include an edited version of her pitch in the indiegogo, and an inspiration & realisation moodboard as I didn’t have access to those photos. She sent me the moodboards and decided she did want the pitch in the page a few days later so I incorporated those into the indiegogo and then we decided to have a meeting at the start of next week to discuss which photos to include.

For Us Not Them, I finished going through all of the stills I had taken on the shoot and compiled the best ones into a google drive and sent it to the rest of the crew. I also colour graded a few of the photos to make them fit better with the aesthetic/ correct issues with the exposure.

Although this is the final week of my blog, a few of my jobs are ongoing ones, so I will continue working on the projects until they are finished. This will include finishing the indiegogo page for Waiting for Marcus, continuing posting on the social media pages of all of the projects, helping promote the projects for any festivals they enter into, and any other jobs that need doing.

Week 10

This was a slightly quieter week as all of my films had wrapped and I was busier with other elements of my course, however I worked on some of my films doing posting, photo editing and working on the indiegogo page.

For Waiting for Marcus, I created a caption and posted the second cast announcement on Tuesday, reposting it on our story. I have attached a screenshot of the post below. Later in the week Sára checked up on how the indiegogo was going. I told her that I had worked on it a little, but as I had been on set the week before and away after that, I hadn’t worked on it as much as I would’ve liked, but was still on schedule to finish it by when she wanted it. I got more time over the weekend to work on the indiegogo page, and started working on the finances section, registering and verifying our bank details.

For Us Not Them I started going through the stills photos and deleting duplicates or blurry/ bad photos, and will continue this into next week.

Week 9

I was on set for Us Not Them this week, so that was my main focus, however I was also working on Hypervigilant and Waiting for Marcus doing posting.

Sára messaged me asking whether the graphic designers could make a matching post with the cast annoucement posts for a short bio for each actress, so I messaged them and asked, and attached the text we wanted within. They sent them over and I passed them on to Sára. We went back and forth making a few amendments such as spelling errors and names, but eventually we were happy with the post. I posted the first of the two cast announcements on Sunday afternoon and reposted it on our story.

This week I was on set for Us Not Them. Monday was supposed to be our first day of filming, however unfortunately, the ECA had a break in over the weekend, which delayed our filming as we couldn’t go in to collect equipment. Our producer, Hana, rescheduled the shoot day to Thursday morning, as we were shooting in the evening that day. We started shooting on Tuesday in a pub called The Old Bell Inn, and then had various different locations over the course of the week, such as a car park and an industrial warehouse. For this set I was a runner and was also doing stills photography/ getting social media content. On the first day I was mostly running errands and helping out wherever extra hands were needed. On Wednesday, Louis brought in his camera for me to do some more official stills photography, so I was taking photos of cast and crew behind the scenes. I was also helping with crowd control as we were in a public space, and helped get equipment to the location from where it was being stored in ECA. On Thursday for our morning shoot, we encountered some issues with permission for filming as someone reported us for filming. However the camera crew managed to find ways to shoot the final 2 shots in a way that didn’t go against these rules. Once again I was mainly doing stills photography and helping carry equipment to and from the ECA. Then we had a break for a few hours and came back together to the warehouse for the evening shoot. Our 1st AD, Maddie, wasn’t ablee to make it to this set, however she had the key for the equipment, so I picked up the keys from her before heading to the ECA to help transport equipment to the location. This was quite a long and cold shoot, so we did a few runs to the nearest grocery store to get snacks to keep morale high. The setup was very aesthetic so I took quite a few stills photos here to use for publicity. There was one more shoot day on Sunday however I wasn’t able to make it that day. I downloaded the photos I had taken from Louis’ camera onto my computer on Friday and then gave him back his camera to take some more stills on the final shoot day. Throughout this week I was also posting photos onto our instagram story regularly with which filming day we were on. I have attached a few of my stills photos from the shoot below, however will be properly going through them and colour grading them later.

For hyper vigilant, I spoke to Roisin and asked her whether she wanted me to post something on the instagram to keep it active and she said that she would. I sent her a couple of options of stills from on set and she chose the one she liked best. I edited it slightly to make the colours stand out a little more on people’s instagram feed, created a caption, and posted it on Saturday afternoon. I have attached it below. She also wanted me to post a story with the same photo promoting the indiegogo as there wasn’t long left on the campaign. I created a caption and sent it to Roisin who edited it slightly and sent it back to me. I then put that on top of the photo and added a link to the indiegogo page and posted it on our story. I also went through the behind the scenes photos I had taken on set on Hypervigilant and deleted duplicates/ worse photos, and then sent the good photos to our groupchat.

Week 8

For Us Not Them, I received a message from Hana, the producer, asking whether I could put the indiegogo link in the instagram bio, and create a post for annoucing that the indiegogo is live. I picked a few photos from the folder she gave me and created a caption, and then posted it, and the post is attached below. Later in the week I received a message from Louis asking me to post the casting call reel and then repost it to our story. I also sent in my crew contract in preparation for filming next week.

For Waiting for Marcus, I received the logo and the cast announcements from Offside, our design agency, and sent them to Sára to get her opinion on them. She was happy with the cast announcments and asked me to come up with a caption for them, however didn’t like the logo as much, as she thought the ‘f’ didn’t quite fit and wasn’t centred. These assets are attached below. I got back to Offside and let them know this feedback and they said they would get back to me with the revisions however unfortunately they still have not, so Sára said that she would chase them up and see how it was going. Sára also sent me some of the information that she wanted in the indiegogo page, so I started writing and formatting that over the weekend.

For Hypervigilant, I recived a message from Roisin, the director, asking if I could come up with a post for the instagram and post it on Tuesday. I got back to her suggesting a wrap post with some behind the scene pictures and she was happy with this. I picked a photo and created a caption and then uploaded it to our instagram and reposted it on our story. I have attached the post below. I also sent in my crew contract for filming.

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