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Week 6 class notes & tasks & Reflection


This is the pdf version of my week 6 class notes and task.

Please click Lighting week 6 . to view the pdf. 


My reflection for Week 6: 

In the practice of the week 6 class, after different groups made lighting designs and speeches on the spaces they drew, I found that for different spaces, the lighting design needs to cater to the functions of the space. Lighting design is different for different types of spaces because each space has unique requirements for lighting in terms of functionality, atmosphere, and aesthetics. Here are some examples of how lighting design can vary for different types of spaces, for example:

  • Yoga studio: A yoga studio requires lighting that promotes relaxation and concentration while also providing adequate illumination for movement and poses. Lighting should be soft, diffuse, and free from harsh shadows to create a calming atmosphere. Some yoga studios may also use colored lighting to enhance the mood or provide a specific ambiance.
  • Movie theatre: A movie theatre requires lighting that is dim and free from glare to create an immersive viewing experience. The lighting should also be strategically placed to prevent light spillage onto the screen, which can be distracting for viewers. Additionally, lighting should be designed to provide safe exit routes and prevent tripping hazards during dark scenes.
  • Retail store: Lighting in a retail store should be designed to showcase products and enhance the shopping experience. Bright, even lighting is typically used to ensure that products are well-illuminated and colors are accurately represented. Different lighting techniques, such as accent lighting or spotlighting, can be used to draw attention to specific products or areas of the store.

Overall, lighting design for different types of spaces varies based on the needs of the space and the occupants. Factors such as lighting color temperature, intensity, direction, and placement are carefully considered to create the desired atmosphere and functionality.


Thank you for watching my week 6 blog! 


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