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Theme Decided——”Alienation”


I have always been a big fan of science fiction, and I often think that most science fiction is full of critiques of current society. The pie-in-the-sky settings of science fiction can often be seen as a prophecy.

In the wake of the epidemic, I have often wondered if there is a way to evolve our organs to effectively increase the likelihood of survival when the next virus hits, should it attack our organs or immune system. It is important to note that human evolution often takes tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years, and it is clear that the advent of technology has made organ modification possible.The cyborg concept in science fiction even coincides with my idea of using the same technology to modify the human body in order to enhance its functions.

I have chosen the theme of alienation because, although I believe that technology and the technology of life will bring many enhancements to the human body, the critique and questioning of technology in many science fiction novels has also given me pause for thought.The contribution that technology has made to the production of human society has at the same time exacerbated the alienation of capitalism, for example, as we use technology to enhance efficiency, the pursuit of efficiency often becomes an end in itself, sending society into unnecessary involution.

So, is technology’s help to the body all good and no harm? Whether it is cloning technology, or the idea of cyborgs, or biotechnological enhancements, its bound to bring about more alienation. What do we make of human cloning? What do we lose when we have the ability to transcend the limits of our natural bodies? As we move closer to technology, do we move further away from humanity? How do we overcome the feeling that our bodies are disconnected from the natural human world?

These are the questions I look forward to exploring, and I am not pessimistic about the various scientific techniques; on the contrary, I am hopeful about them. That is why I need to see what the world would be like if our scientific ideas were to become a reality.


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