Tetsumi Kudo
Stuart Middleton
Mathieu Malouf
Tetsumi Kudo
Stuart Middleton
Mathieu Malouf
Presentation 1: Bronze mushrooms presented on live moss built into a horizontal plinth. Viewers can place their ear to the mushrooms to hear the sounds of the forest. Interactive and aesthetic. Connotations of a coffin. Clinical.
Presentation 2: three tree stumps, each mushroom plays birdsong over the years and how it is declining over time. The moss/lichen on the stumps lessens also, a visual representation of the decay of nature due to climate change/other factors. Able to decipher between time gaps by having them presented on separate plinths.
Along the coastlines of the world, a great variety of shells can be found. Seashells are made by the animals that live inside them and all shells grow steadily outward. Shells are among the most remarkable designs found in nature. Examples are the chambered nautilus, the sundial shell, and the triton shell. Shells are usually perceived as feminine; a symbol of birth, good fortune, and resurrection. Bivalved molluscs represent the womb and fertility.
Symbolisms of life, fertility, luck, travel, love.