Insight, Observation, Reflection

Insights and Inspiration

What will you learn about yourself in undertaking this course of enquiry? 

Within this line of enquiry, I will learn how to adapt to different working environments. Initially my project was going to focus on dark room photographic processes including wet collodion onto Glass. I would still like to attempt this if access is granted into the dark room in the ECA. However, I am going to try experimental photographic processes to see how I navigate this new environment with resources I have readily accessible.


What are the personal skills you have that you can use in this work? 

The personal skills I have focus on my ability to research a new area of discovery through documentary photography. I am confident in asking for access to industries and new places; ingress allows for in person research and to encompass myself in a new environment. My educational background and interest in science allows for in depth research about subject areas which leads to new lines of interest and courses of action.


Are there other skills that you need to develop?

The skills that I would like to improve on is the editing process and experimenting with the different printing possibilities. I would like to try print onto glass and use ice within a few experiments.


How will you achieve what you had hoped in this year?

I would like to combine my research with experiments. I would like each new point of interest within my research to lead into making something in response to it.


Can you achieve more? 

I would hope that through my artist research I will render up new ambitions and ideas which push me out of my comfort zone and aid my practice.


What can you do to extend your knowledge and push yourself? 

 I would like to contact people within the logging industries to gain insight into their specific line of work and visit new areas.  I will attempt to push myself further by allowing myself to experiment with processes that have an unclear outcome.



How will you plan your activity? 

I will plan my research by producing work in response to each discovery and point of interest.


How can your recorded your creative thinking? 

I will record my creative thinking through a small notebook and sketch book. I will then document this on my blog in order to realise the new possibilities and identify lines of enquiry.


How will you evidence your outcomes?

I will evidence my outcome through the combination of research and visual outcomes.


Your reflection

 How well can you communicate your ideas and processes? And how will you present your outcome?

I will continue to reflect upon my ideas through the blog and critically analyse my work in relation to the communication of my research in effectively educating and exploring the line of enquiry. I will decide during the project whether I will include research as part of the presentation or whether the audience’s interpretation will be a key aspect of the display.

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